PvX Selector

Allows PvE/PvP Gameplay on one server.

Total Downloads: 683 - First Release: Apr 21, 2016 - Last Update: Mar 10, 2017

5/5, 14 likes
  1. Alphawar updated PvX Selector with a new update entry:


  2. Thanks for an awesome plugin :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2017
  3. A couple of quick questions if I may.
    1) last version prevented PvE Admin from opening PvP inventories, and players not being able to open their own chests, is this corrected ?
    2) is this compatible with TruePvE ?
    3) last versions PvE could damage PvE buildings, can this be changed in .json?

    Thank you for your work, giving this a try after I get server rewards finished. I got both the .cs and the .json above.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2017
  4. Hello,

    When I type /pvx admin list, I have TickList in tchat, nothing else, and with your new version, players can't do damage to animals, I must regen the config ?
  5. Hi I post to confirm with my settings too no damaged animals lol:

    "2: Player": {
    "01: PvE v PvE": false,
    "02:pvE v PvP": false,
    "03:pvP v PvE": false,
    "04:pvP v PvP": true,
    "05:pvE Loot PvE": true,
    "06:pvE Loot PvP": false,
    "07:pvP Loot PvE": false,
    "08:pvP Loot PvP": true,
    "09:pvE Use PvPDoor": false,
    "10:pvP Use PvEDoor": false,
    "11:pvE Damage PvE": 0.0,
    "12:pvE Damage PvP": 0.0,
    "13:pvP Damage PvE": 0.0,
    "14:pvP Damage PvP": 1.0,
    "18: PvEDamagePvEStruct": 0.0,
    "18: PvEDamagePvPStruct": 0.0,
    "18: PvPDamagePvEStruct": 0.0,
    "18: PvPDamagePvPStruct": 1.0
    "3: Metabolism": {
    "01: PvEFoodLossRate": 0.03,
    "02: PvEWaterLossRate": 0.03,
    "03: PvEHealthGainRate": 0.03,
    "04: PvEFoodSpawn": 100.0,
    "05: PvEWaterSpawn": 250.0,
    "06: PvEHealthSpawn": 500.0,
    "07: PvPFoodLossRate": 0.03,
    "08: PvPWaterLossRate": 0.03,
    "09: PvPHealthGainRate": 0.03,
    "10: PvPFoodSpawn": 100.0,
    "11: PvPWaterSpawn": 250.0,
    "12: PvPHealthSpawn": 500.0
    "4: NPC": {
    "01: NPC Attack PvE": true,
    "02: NPC Attack PvP": true,
    "03: PvE Attack NPC": true,
    "04: PvP Attack NPC": true,
    "05: NPC Damage PvE": 1.0,
    "06: NPC Damage PvP": 1.0,
    "07: PvE Damage NPC": 1.0,
    "08: PvP Damage NPC": 1.0,
    "09: PvE Loot NPC": true,
    "10: PvP Loot NPC": true
    "5: Animals": {
    "1: PvE Damage Animals": 1.0,
    "2: PvP Damage Animals": 1.0,
    "3: NPC Damage Animals": 1.0,
    "4: Animals Damage PvE": 1.0,
    "5: Animals Damage PvP": 1.0,
    "6: Animals Damage NPC": 1.0
    "6: Turrets": {
    "01: TurretPvETargetPvE": false,
    "02: TurretPvETargetPvP": false,
    "03: TurretPvPTargetPvE": false,
    "04: TurretPvPTargetPvP": true,
    "05: TurretPvETargetNPC": true,
    "06: TurretPvPTargetNPC": true,
    "07: TurretPvETargetAnimal": true,
    "08: TurretPvPTargetAnimal": false,
    "09: TurretPvEDamagePvEAmnt": 0.0,
    "10: TurretPvEDamagePvPAmnt": 0.0,
    "11: TurretPvPDamagePvEAmnt": 0.0,
    "12: TurretPvPDamagePvPAmnt": 1.0,
    "13: TurretPvEDamageNPCAmnt": 1.0,
    "14: TurretPvPDamageNPCAmnt": 1.0,
    "15: TurretPvEDamageAnimal": 1.0,
    "16: TurretPvPDamageAnimal": 1.0
    "7: Heli": {
    "01: HeliTargetPvE": true,
    "02: HeliTargetPvP": true,
    "03: HeliTargetNPC": false,
    "04: HeliDamagePvE": 0.2,
    "05: HeliDamagePvP": 1.0,
    "06: HeliDamageNPC": 0.0,
    "07: HeliDamagePvEStruct": 0.2,
    "08: HeliDamagePvPStruct": 1.0,
    "09: HeliDamageAnimal": 1.0,
    "10: HeliDamageByPvE": 0.8,
    "11: HeliDamageByPvp": 1.0
    "8: Fire": {
    "1: FireDamagePvE": 0.5,
    "2: FireDamagePvP": 1.0,
    "3: FireDamageNPC": 1.0,
    "4: FireDamagePvEStruc": 0.0,
    "5: FireDamagePvPStruc": 1.0

    back to the older (i'm sorry to add that but your friends patreaon tester seem not realy good tester right?
  6. I had to do a full remove of files from PvX data folder and config. But when i did that, it works flawless :) Just be sure to go over the config again. There is some rather strange Choices for pve in there that is turned false. Like PVE not being able to take down a chopper and so on. I personally think players should be able to take on a chopper if they want to, so i set it to true.
  7. Okay thank you ! :)
    But I can't take care of tickets !
  8. Have you set yourself as admin in PvXselector yet? If not, do that and it should fix your problem. Do this in rcon or Rusty ->>>
    grant user yourplayernamehere pvxselector.admin
    Example: grant user Saytek_ pvxselector.admin

    Then you should be able to handle commands such as /pvx admin list/display/accept/decline and so on
  9. I have already the permission. And when a type /pvx admin display :
    (11:42:10) | [Oxide] 11:42 [Info] [PvXSelector] Error: 27Q1 - Please inform Dev
    [DOUBLEPOST=1485774549][/DOUBLEPOST]And I have this error too in console :
    (11:45:03) | [Oxide] 11:45 [Error] Failed to call hook 'OnEntityTakeDamage' on plugin 'PvXselector v0.9.6' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object)
  10. Players can't do damage to animals, I purge the config, regen them..
  11. Did you also delete the PvX folder in data? I know it`s strange, but that was the only thing that fixed it for me. If you have, i don`t know anymore than you do. This sounds more like a job for @Alphawar
  12. Yeah indeed I deleted ALL the files of the plugins, I will do this again..
  13. Okay I found the bug, in the data file I write pve whereas the correct syntaxe is PvE
  14. Hello,

    Can't loot PvE players !
  15. It's maybe the shared chests are disable for the player ?
  16. 2nd post same questions ( no reply )

    A couple of quick questions if I may.
    1) last version prevented PvE Admin from opening PvP inventories, and players not being able to open their own chests, is this corrected ?
    2) is this compatible with TruePvE ?
    3) last versions PvE could damage PvE buildings, can this be changed in .json?

    Thank you for your work, giving this a try after I get server rewards finished. I got both the .cs and the .json above.
  17. Hello Player 1,
    Most bugs can be fixed by removing the existing Config File and Data Folder for PvX,
    Admins at this time still can not oppen other players inventory if they are opposite modes, I am working on this currently.
    In regards to compatibility with True PvE, No, reason being is that both mods are designed to overhaul the game mechanics and behaviour. you would have to do a lot of modifications to both units to have them integrate.
  18. Thank you.
  19. Hello, there is a problem with the loot possibility ! PvP players can't exchange items with PvE players whereas the config for the loots is set to true
  20. Hi, your plugin not run from last update, Error while compiling PvXselector.cs(1627,50): error CS1061: Type `Item' does not contain a definition for `ClearOwners' and no extension method `ClearOwners' of type `Item' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?

    Best regards