PvX Selector

Allows PvE/PvP Gameplay on one server.

Total Downloads: 683 - First Release: Apr 21, 2016 - Last Update: Mar 10, 2017

5/5, 14 likes
  1. Hi guys, I am using a Trello board to try and help keep myself on track, feel free to watch: Trello
  2. Just found this plugin, looks great!!! But... does it work? There's a message on the overview page saying a Rust update broke it?? :(

    I would love it if this plugin could work.

    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 22, 2018
  3. Hi all, Just an update, I now have the basic functions in the mod working, I am currently able to detect what type of damage is being dealt.
    I will need to do further testing so I can make an optimal function to sort it all to then allow my mode to handle.
    But here is an example of the information I am dealing with now:

    [PvXSelector] OnEntityTakeDamage Function Called
    [PvXSelector] Attacker ID: 3997085295
    [PvXSelector] Attacker Type: MotorRowboat
    [PvXSelector] Target ID: 3997085295
    [PvXSelector] Target Type: MotorRowboat
    [PvXSelector] Damage Type: Decay
  4. Hi, is the plugin working now?
  5. Hi all,
    I have the plugin working now, Currently, I have completed these segments:
    New players are added to mod, players get notified to change mode, players can change mode, players have a cooldown (2 minutes default) before can change again.
    The Damage system is "Functional" however at this stage it does nothing but spam the console of the server for testing reasons.
    The next segment I am going to work on is the GUI, this is just the basic GUI from before that shows your mode and the Admin GUI.
    After that is implemented I will add the ticket system back in.
    Once that is done I will then work on the damage system, once I have the main damage systems in place I will add a few exclusions for turrets and things so PvP turrets don't shoot PvE players.
    At that stage, it will be ready for public testing.
  6. So another update.
    I now have the ticket system implemented, admins now have a GUI, I will need to adjust the config to get a good position :).
    Next, I need to set it so admins can accept tickets and tickets can self-close if the cooldown passes.
    Once I have fixed the GUI location for the admin users and add the accepting and declining of tickets I will then work on the basic damage handling.
    Later I will then work on Turret targeting.
    At that stage, I will need to choose how to handle players that are not active when the mod is added (eg Sleepers).
  7. Good to see ya back working on this again, @Alphawar
  8. Great stuff keep up the good work will be using when finished
  9. Hi all,

    I have had a busy week so I have not had much chance to do work on this mod.
    However, I wanted to write an update, I have created the chat system for the admins to view tickets (Not Tested Yet).
    Further, I am improving on the old system, previously you would type /pvx admin accept x, this is susceptible to different issues and possibly exploit by users (rare but possible).
    The new system will allow the following: /pvx tickets list, this tells you all ticket numbers and the user, /pvx tickets view x, gives you more information on a ticket and finally /pvx accept/decline, this will then accept/decline the last ticket you viewed.

    By doing this I can store the last ticket you viewed and then when you accept it I can compare the one you viewed to the one in the system if they don't match it will not accept it :).

    I have also worked a bit on the Lang so most of the chat messages in the new mod are Lang based.
  10. Hi all,

    Another big update, although very tired so I might miss some things.
    Log system is now in place and working, admins are now able to accept tickets and in theory decline them, (haven't tested that).
    Players mode can now be changed by a ticket being approved.
    I have only added the basic combat functions so far (PvP and PvBuilding) for testing.

    What I have noticed: My code needs to be optimised, this means turning some parts that are used multiple times into a class, eg: createticket() instead of writing the code to create a ticket 5 times haha.
    Second I have noticed I get a lot of warnings that OnEntitytookDamage took 1000ms, beforehand it was 3.5 seconds when this showed, I have since removed some of my testing code and it is down to 1.5 seconds when it happens (and this isn't often). I would most likely say that this is items such as decay causing the issue.
    The plan I have is to add some initial filters to skip decay and the likes early on so they avoid all the other checks that this mod will do.
    So far in the past, this was never really an issue on previous versions, however, if I can reduce the impact the better it will be on large servers with high activity.
  11. Just a quick update, school holidays are over again, time to get coding again.
    I have done some quick changes, everything is ready for testing except for the actual damage handler.
    I have managed to reduce the number of delays caused by it as I have managed to filter out decay thanks to the anti-decay mode.
    At this stage, I am trying to filter out the next most spammy element: Fire.
    Once that is done I will work on basic interactions for players combat, this will then be ready for testing.
  12. Hey, i just want to test ur Plugin.

    But i cant because of compliling error:

    (16:52:31) | [DEBUG] Load requested for plugin which is already loading: PvXselector
    (16:52:31) | [DEBUG] Load requested for plugin which is already loading: PvXselector
    (16:52:31) | [DEBUG] Load requested for plugin which is already loading: PvXselector
    (16:52:32) | [DEBUG] Load requested for plugin which is already loading: PvXselector
    (16:52:32) | Error while compiling: PvXselector.cs(377,11): error CS1525: Unexpected symbol `end-of-file'
    (16:52:33) | Calling 'OnNpcPlayerTarget' on 'ZoneManager v2.5.8' took 619ms [GARBAGE COLLECT]
    (16:52:33) | Error while compiling: PvXselector.cs(2573,3): error CS1525: Unexpected symbol `end-of-file'
    (16:52:34) | Error while compiling: PvXselector.cs(2573,3): error CS1525: Unexpected symbol `end-of-file'
    Is it possible to fix?
  13. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    That would imply that the file you have locally was somehow tampered with where it became unreadable for the compiler. I'd suggest downloading the plugin again and making sure no programs or upload methods are tampering or modifying the plugin in any way.
  14. Downloaded again and uploaded via sFTP (Filezilla):
    (21:20:01) | Error while compiling: PvXselector.cs(651,36): error CS1525: Unexpected symbol `end-of-file'
    (21:20:04) | Error while compiling: PvXselector.cs(2287,34): error CS0246: The type or namespace name `BaseNPC' could not be found. Are you missing `ProtoBuf' using directive?
  15. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Sounds like FileZilla is changing the file for the first error. Make sure to upload as a binary.
  16. Uploaded as binary
    (00:15:16) | [DEBUG] Load requested for plugin which is already loading: PvXselector
    (00:15:16) | Error while compiling: PvXselector.cs(1759,79): error CS1525: Unexpected symbol `end-of-file'
    I do not know ... But it would be the first time that FileZilla does something like that :(
  17. Hi all. Progress has been slow recently (Last 2 weeks) due to a few null reference errors that I determined to be rust issues.
    I have seen that Maurino Berry fixed a NRE and missing file recently so hopefully on the next update I will be back to fix this mod.