
Scales or disables decay of items, and deployables.

Total Downloads: 25,072 - First Release: Jun 25, 2015 - Last Update: Jul 13, 2018

5/5, 54 likes
  1. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin
  2. same Issue like me
    Read the post from Wulf :)
  3. Face Palm!!!! How did I miss that!?!? What happens I guess when you turbo scan read the posts....

    Many thanks! No error logs showing now.
  4. Deicide666ra updated NoDecay with a new update entry:


  5. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

  6. Hey Deicide, is there any way you can add Wooden/Barbed-Wooden/Metal Barricades to the config for deployables to decay?
  7. Those items currently do not decay and the plugin as it's written right now simply multiplies the damage of type "Decay" on all supported items. It would definitely be possible to add artificial decay to certain deployables, but that wasn't my initial intention. I'll take it into consideration for a future version, but I got lots in the works right now so that's definitely not a priority.
  8. No worries, not sure why I didn't message you on steam directly after I now realize you're on my friendlist. Good stuff.
  9. I've seen some servers do this, and unfortunately I am no coder and cannot find a specific plugin, how would I go about using this plugin to lower the decay rate of the High External Walls so that they decay slower/not at all.
  10. As far as I know they do not decay... There is a bug though that I observed that they end up with 500 health instead of 1500.. not sure anyone else is getting this, haven't seen anyone complain about it?!
  11. Mine spawn in with 1500, and decay at a ridiculously rapid rate similar to the level of decay set for the normal stone foundation walls, but faster.
  12. You most likely have a mod that causes this, because they don't decay... except for that 500hp bug
  13. I'll give a list of the plugins I use, and you can tell me if you know of one that could be causing it.
    Friends API,  Airdrop control,  Airdrop Arrow,
    anti-cheat, autodoorclose,  betterloot
    better research,  blueprint manager, building grades.,
    chathandler, clans, clean up,
    compassgui, corpses, crafting controller,
    dayvote, deathnotes, easy reload,
    explosives modifier, friendly fire, gathermanager,
    give, hitmarker, hitmarkerGUI,
    inventory viewer, kits, lastname
    limited ladders, tp, msgplayergui,
    nodecay, notifier, players online GUI,
    quicksmelt, quicksort, removertool,
    rulesGUI, rustDB, salvager,
    sign artist, stacksize controller, supply signal alerter,
    twig remover, updater, zones.
    Out of all of these, I really cannot figure out which, if any, would cause the external walls to decay
  14. I've found that the stone high walls decay at the same rate as stone foundations, and the wooden walls to decay at the same rate as wooden foundations. (As set by the plugin)
  15. Yeah reviewing the code that might actually be the case... I was looking for specific parts in previous versions but the latest version just looks for "building blocks" by tier.. The high stone wall probably falls in the same category as stone foundations and wood as wood foundations.

    Do we really want to split this and have different decay rates for foundations vs high walls? I could do it if necessary but I don't see the point...
  16. I think keeping it the same is better. I have the peace of mind knowing that they decay seeing as they don't cost enough in resources and have extremely high HP. (And also are spammed everywhere on the map)
  17. Not sure I get you on that one...... are you just reducing decay? I run no decay at all on mine on all but twig.. high walls thus have zero decay.
  18. If its not something that would take you 100 hours to add in, I personally wouldn't mind seeing the option of having the external walls decay at a different rate to foundations.
  19. Alright then i'll do it for the next version.
  20. I would like to see this feature to tone down the decay on the new high walls separately because they decay way too fast but foundations seems fine.