
Allows Authorized players use of admin noclip and have Green chat name.

Total Downloads: 5,895 - First Release: May 26, 2016 - Last Update: Mar 12, 2018

5/5, 12 likes
  1. I got it working,it may have to do with my console spamming EntryPointNotFoundException: System_memoryusage
  2. Can't get this to work :(
  3. hi, any1 knows why their names didnt turned green ? but they could fly and vanish and godmode
  4. Do you have any other plugin that controls Chat? or name color?
    Plus I will double check, you never know when something in rust changes. lol
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 15, 2017
  5. yeah i have betterchat...
  6. Can this allow players to spawn items through F1? I gave a player permission but he cannot spawn anything.
  7. Guys I've got problem with the command "entkill". It doesn't work.
  8. No, this plugin does not give player the ability to use F1 Spawn.

    All other fauxadmin stuff works fine?
    and is the entity your own and if it isn't, did you change the EntKillOwnOnly in the config?
  9. I found the problem. The command isn't entkill, but ent kill. The difference is the space between ent and kill. Then it works fine.
  10. Last edited by a moderator: Dec 8, 2017
  11. @Colon Blow "DisableNoclipOnNoBuild": true, Presumably that needs a rework since the TC update?
  12. Gettin a lot of this, 50 people on a build server so makes sense but yeh

    13:39:56) | Calling 'OnPlayerTick' on 'FauxAdmin v1.0.12' took average 5355ms
    (13:40:06) | Calling 'OnPlayerTick' on 'FauxAdmin v1.0.12' took average 5214ms
  13. Any optimization that can be done for this?

    On a build server with about 40 people on

    (09:50:03) | Calling 'OnPlayerTick' on 'FauxAdmin v1.0.12' took average 5083ms
    (09:50:13) | Calling 'OnPlayerTick' on 'FauxAdmin v1.0.12' took average 5041ms
    (09:50:23) | Calling 'OnPlayerTick' on 'FauxAdmin v1.0.12' took average 5044ms
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 30, 2017
  14. Correct, it should need to be reworked. i'll be working on it this weekend :)
    which that could also be causing a lot of performance issues you are having since its trying to call something that isn't working.
  15. I think this plugin is creating server lag when it’s calling these hooks. Server lags like crazy and this is what you see in console. Maybe needs an update? Servers started lagging maybe 2 weeks to a month ago.

    Edit: Didn’t read your last comment
  16. i'm reworking it :) hope to have it fixed up in a day or so :)
  17. Thanks, really appreciate it!
  18. @Colon Blow We modified our version to remove the IsAdmin checks, this was because everyone on the build server basically had full rights so was no need to call the checks. Did it for perf reasons mainly
  19. o.o, if you wouldn’t mind could you send me it?
  20. Just search for the isadmin lines and remove em. Im not a coder by any stretch so trust me when i say its easy