
Allows Authorized players use of admin noclip and have Green chat name.

Total Downloads: 5,895 - First Release: May 26, 2016 - Last Update: Mar 12, 2018

5/5, 12 likes
  1. Colon Blow submitted a new resource:

    FauxAdmin - Allows Authorized players to be a Fake Admin, allowing admin noclip and Green chat name

    Read more about this resource...
  2. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Good job! Very weird casing of deactivatenoclip though, I'd go for DeactivateNoClip. ;)
  3. lol, The would make too much sense :)
  4. Nice one, but looks like players cant activate it.I used :
    grant group player fauxadmin.allowed
    Told them to type in console:
    bind L noclip
    and respawn
    It doesnt work.Do they need to relog on server?
  5. You can try and have them log off and back on. That should work if killing or respawning does not.

    and you did the full line? I noticed you left off oxide. in the front. not sure if it was typo or whatnot.
    oxide.grant group player fauxadmin.allowed
  6. Ok i will tell em to test it.Another thing, does every new player need to relog after they bind key for noclip?
  7. no. once you have all players allowed and working, it will be automatic when any player logs in from then on.
  8. It is working, there was another oxide update and i was still running the old one.After updating oxide solved this and many other problems..
    Thank you for great plugin man!!
    Last edited by a moderator: May 26, 2016
  9. Colon Blow updated FauxAdmin with a new update entry:


  10. Nice work there Colon.
    This is a great mod to get around the issues with Faux clip.
    Now mods just need to focus on going permission driven so they can have the option to ignore isAdmin to give more control.
  11. Not working for me
    [DOUBLEPOST=1464396797][/DOUBLEPOST]i did oxide.grant user NAME fauxadmin.allowed
    And i did oxide.grant group DEFAULT fauxadmin.blocked
    and the player that has access can not fly?
  12. You shouldn't need to block the default group. By default, no one has access until they are given the allowed.
    So if you only allowed the one player access. you should be set.

    But, I see where I do need to tweak the permissions to allow your situation to work right. Ill try and get a update soon for it.
  13. Hi
    Just installed this on my local server but when i try to grant access to default i get this
    > oxide.grant group default fuaxadmin.allowed
    [Oxide] 00:36 [Info] Permission 'fuaxadmin.allowed' doesn't exist
  14. its fauxadmin.allowed

    you have the faux switched to fuax :)
  15. LOL sorry never noticed that i just copied it off the overview page

    Example to allow all players:
    Code (Text):
    oxide.grant group default fuaxadmin.allowed
  16. oh. .. well that's on me :( ill fix it up .. thank you.
  17. Colon Blow updated FauxAdmin with a new update entry:


  18. Colon Blow updated FauxAdmin with a new update entry:


  19. sXs


    i already install plugin
    -delete old plug n config 1st.
    -install plugin,
    -permission to 1 player
    -logout n login in server
    but player cant noclip from console, :(
  20. Does the player have "green" admin color for chat name? (unless you use a chat plugin that can modify it). if not then permissions did not set for that player.

    And if you added just player, you used (as example)
    oxide.grant user "Player Name" fauxadmin.allowed
    and got the confirmation in server console that has 'Players Name (players steam ID)" granted......?