
Allows Authorized players use of admin noclip and have Green chat name.

Total Downloads: 5,895 - First Release: May 26, 2016 - Last Update: Mar 12, 2018

5/5, 12 likes
  1. i opened it in notepad++ but couldnt find it.
  2. It worked now after i commented out two lines:
    if (isAllowed(player, "fauxadmin.allowed"))
    //player.SetPlayerFlag(BasePlayer.PlayerFlags.IsDeveloper, true);
    //if (isAllowed(player, "fauxadmin.bypass")) return;
    Idk, if it is the correct ones, but works so far :)

    Another question: I wan't to use the god-mode. How do i do that? GLOBAL.GOD in console didnt work for me.
    Am i missing something here?
    [DOUBLEPOST=1525828289][/DOUBLEPOST]global.god true
    worked :)
  3. Cant seem to find an answer for this anywhere. Can I make it so when people join the server they are automatically god true ?
  4. don't seem to be able to use AdminRadar with FauxAdmin anymore, a while ago when i tried both you could. isnt that possible anymore?
  5. can u put an option to give the isAdmin flag instead of the isDeveloper flag so this works with AdminRadar again pls?
  6. Is there a way to get rid of this [#fa5]Rust Developer[/#] tag that appears with this?
  7. I will add a option to the config to select either Admin or Developer :)
  8. My bad bro, it was BetterChat doing it anyways. I should bug the author of that about it :)
  9. How can i remove the [Rust Developer] tag?
  10. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    That's coming from BetterChat, not this plugin.