
Deathmatch event for EventManager

Total Downloads: 5,173 - First Release: Dec 16, 2014 - Last Update: May 21, 2017

4.84/5, 25 likes
  1. Gentlemen, I have a problem with the plugin . Setting the standard . Enters the arena . No weapons !! error: while giving Thompson: thompson is not a valid item name. Pls help me. upload_2015-3-10_9-37-11.png
  2. Frank, use the short names for the items, i.e. "smg_thompson".

    I am currently having an issue with it not putting everything on the belt and/or the armor slots. It will just put some on and some in the inventory. It works fine on first spawn, but after that it's not working correctly.
  3. hello all, how can i give a reward ? when i type "/arena_givereward "player" deathmatch" my friend have well "you have 1 reward waiting" but nothing? what's the next stape ? how can i "valid" this reward????
    [DOUBLEPOST=1426194415][/DOUBLEPOST]ok sry i find that, but how i can do a automatic reward for winner? now i must write "/arena_givereward "player" etc.." for player have he's reward but if im not in server or anything like that what's hapend?

    Attached Files:

  4. is it possible to give everybody 1 life and when you die you spawn in the loser room and your not in the game anymore,
    and at least the last man standing automaticly wins?
  5. cant get any loadouts to work tried different pack no i renamed everything to liek hazmat_gloves etc and nothing will spawn
  6. I think the config file isn't working. I don't have any weapon when I start the arena. I hope you can fix it
  7. I don't know if anyone else has the problem to but the "DEATHMATCH IS OVER XXXX WINS!" being broadcast 10 times in chat was making my chat disappear.
    Changed line 412 from for i = 1, 10 do to for i = 1, 4 do and haven't had the problem again.
  8. has anyone got the loadout to work i cant get anyone to spawn with any weapons oir anything i tried changing names around tried different pack numbers
  9. Here is my config, it works properly but is only very basic for now as I've got a low server population and no huge need for variation.
    "KillMessages": [
    "Good Shot",
    "You got him!",
    "Nice Shot!",
    "Like a boss!",
    "You're Unstoppable",
    "Y0u 4R3 s0 1337!"
    "RandomPack": true,
    "SpawnImmunity": 4,
    "Packs": [
    "backpack": [
    "belt": [
    "armor": [
    "backpack": [
    "belt": [
    "armor": [
    "KillLimit": 10,
    "DefaultPack": 1,
    "AutoArena_Settings": {
    "CancelArenaTime": 360,
    "CloseOnStart": true,
    "MinimumPlayers": 2,
    "ArenasInterval": 1800,
    "WaitToStartTime": 30,
    "MaximumPlayers": 10,
    "ArenaLimitTime": 1800
    "ArenaGame": "Deathmatch",
    "authLevel": 1,
    "Rewards": {
    "Random": false,
    "Packs": {
    "Guns": [
    "Ammo": [
    "Explosives": [
    "activated": true

    Make sure you're loading everything in the right order. If you load in the wrong order you will have no weapons when you spawn in the arena or you'll spawn in the wrong place.

    Load order should happen like this
    1. oxide.reload arena
    2. oxide.reload arena_deathmatch
    3. /arena_game 1 (unless you have more than one gametype)
    4. /arena_spawnfile <spawnfilename>
    5. arena_open
    6. arena_start
    At this point your arena should be running properly with weapons and players etc. With the config I posted the arena will end when a player gets 10 kills.

    If you want to change the items in your config then I strongly recommend using this site:

    All of this worked for me. I hope it works for you too.
  10. Thanks Prouxx worked a treat.
  11. Yes Thanx a lot Prouxx for your code modifications. it's works !
  12. CHR


    So I give this later a try. :) ty
  13. How to add killing animal function?)) Like a human) Want to design a hunt events with nopvp on my server)
  14. Hello ! Someone can help to add more weapon packs for the arena deathmatch?
    I tried to edit the arena_deathmatch.json but with no succes ;(
    please help ;)

    "KillMessages": [
    "Joli Tir!",
    "GG! Tu l as eu!!",
    "Like a boss!",
    "Y0u 4R3 s0 1337!"
    "RandomPack": true,
    "SpawnImmunity": 4,
    "Packs": [
    "backpack": [
    "belt": [
    "armor": [
    "backpack": [
    "belt": [
    "armor": [
    "KillLimit": 20,
    "DefaultPack": 1,
    "AutoArena_Settings": {
    "CancelArenaTime": 360,
    "CloseOnStart": true,
    "MinimumPlayers": 2,
    "ArenasInterval": 1800,
    "WaitToStartTime": 30,
    "MaximumPlayers": 10,
    "ArenaLimitTime": 1800
    "ArenaGame": "Deathmatch",
    "authLevel": 1,
    "Rewards": {
    "Random": false,
    "Packs": {
    "Guns": [
    "Ammo": [
    "Explosives": [
    "activated": true
  15. You still appear to have the same packs as the config I posted. Try this one.
    "KillMessages": [
    "Joli Tir!",
    "GG! Tu l as eu!!",
    "Like a boss!",
    "Y0u 4R3 s0 1337!"
    "RandomPack": false,
    "SpawnImmunity": 4,
    "Packs": [
    "backpack": [
    "belt": [
    "armor": [
    "backpack": [
    "belt": [
    "armor": [
    "KillLimit": 20,
    "DefaultPack": 1,
    "AutoArena_Settings": {
    "CancelArenaTime": 360,
    "CloseOnStart": true,
    "MinimumPlayers": 2,
    "ArenasInterval": 1800,
    "WaitToStartTime": 30,
    "MaximumPlayers": 10,
    "ArenaLimitTime": 1800
    "ArenaGame": "Deathmatch",
    "authLevel": 1,
    "Rewards": {
    "Random": false,
    "Packs": {
    "Guns": [
    "Ammo": [
    "Explosives": [
    "activated": true
    Before you start the arena game you should do /deathmatch_pack NUMBER
    The syntax message says 0 is default so, with this config you should do "/deathmatch_pack 0" for normal kit with hazmat and AKs. Do "/deathmatch_pack 1" for bolt rifles and burlap clothes.
    Or you can change 'random pack' in your config back to true and it should auto select them.

    I've not tested any of this, but in theory it should work.
  16. One more time: thank you Sir! :)

    Édit: if anyone have some mods to share (Tdm, ctf. . Etc...) don t hesitate ;)
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 2, 2015
  17. No problem at all. I don't know about reneb but I'm going to look at adding more mods for this after the next update. I'm not a programmer though so I might get stuck and abandon it (like I have with all my other plugins xD).
  18. That's would be great ! Keep it up ! ^^