

Total Downloads: 4,813 - First Release: Sep 30, 2015 - Last Update: Mar 29, 2017

5/5, 13 likes
  1. PsychoTea updated ColouredNames with a new update entry:


  2. everytime i try to change my colour name says "cant find player"... i have no other chat plugins installed! says than on any name i try to change.. any help would be appericated! thank you
  3. You're probably using the command in such a way that makes the plugin think you're trying to set someone elses name.

    To set your own colour, use /colour {colour}
    To set someone else's, it's /colour {colour} {name of player}
  4. i have installed the new version 1.3.1 but not repaired my proposition to fix the #sayanyone in name , the rule to set a color
  5. Exactly what command/colour are you using to break it? I tested it while I was adding the fix and it seemed to work fine to not let me set anything other than actual hexcodes or colours. I'll have another look :)

    Edit: yeah just tried with "/colour #safecolour" and it blocked it with the "that colour is not valid message". Is this not what you're experiencing?
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 31, 2017

  6. my name is in green and blue as i changed and comes in in both green and blue! is that because im admin?
  7. Could you show me a screenshot if what's happening?
    [DOUBLEPOST=1491008083][/DOUBLEPOST]is it because i have no caps plugin installed?
    [DOUBLEPOST=1491008260][/DOUBLEPOST]also none admin is doing the same
    [DOUBLEPOST=1491009102][/DOUBLEPOST]its the caps no caps plugin causing this... hope this helps.. found a bug where the two dont work with each other..
  9. Yeah it is. They don't work properly together as standalone, however if you install BetterChat that should fix the issues.
  10. /colour #pink break the plugin
  11. how about an option for them to change the color of there text too ?
  12. I know this is a bit picky of me but I would think there should be a /color and /colour depending on how you spell it.
  13. hi i cant get this to let me change colours after update when i talk in chat it displays but wont change colours or accept the commands
  14. Better to pick one version of the spelling and stick to it.

    What do you mean won't "accept the commands"? Does it say "Unknown command" in chat? Are you using the correct spelling of the command? Have you tried reinstalling the latest version of the plugin?

    What are you saying? To add log functionality? Or is it not working? Or is it broken?
  15. Broken

    Not working
  16. Error while compiling: ColouredNames.cs(303,250): error CS1525: Unexpected symbol `end-of-file'

    what does this mean
  17. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    It means that there is an unknown symbol at the end of the file, the file is corrupt that you have locally, or the encoding is odd. I'd suggest downloading it again, or perhaps try another FTP client if you are uploading with that.
  18. hi
    can you add please the color pink
    /colour pink

    the people use this to often and it not work

    please add pink to the commands
  19. It's not a matter of me "adding" pink. The colours use the HTML supported colours (which pink is one of them). I'd double check that you don't have pink blacklisted or disabled in your config file.