

Total Downloads: 4,813 - First Release: Sep 30, 2015 - Last Update: Mar 29, 2017

5/5, 13 likes
  1. You seem to have managed to change the chat format in the lang file to such a setting that would actually work with Legacy Rust rather than Experimental. I recommend you delete your lang file and reload the plugin to generate a new one.
  2. i have delete the lang file
    and reload the plugin

    this is the new lang file
    i use "ColouredNames" (1.3.1) by PsychoTea (0.00s)

    "NoPermission": "You don't have permission to use this.",
    "NoPermissionSetOthers": "You don't have permission to set other players' colours.",
    "IncorrectUsage": "<color=aqua>Incorrect usage!</color><color=orange> /colour [player]\nFor a list of colours do /colours</color>",
    "PlayerNotFound": "Player {0} was not found.",
    "SizeBlocked": "You may not try and change your size! You sneaky player...",
    "HexcodeBlocked": "<color=aqua>ColouredNames: </color><color=orange>Hexcode colour codes have been disabled.</color>",
    "InvalidCharacters": "The character '{0}' is not allowed in colours. Please remove it.",
    "ColourBlocked": "<color=aqua>ColouredNames: </color><color=orange>That colour is blocked.</color>",
    "ColourRemoved": "<color=aqua>ColouredNames: </color><color=orange>Name colour removed!</color>",
    "ColourChanged": "<color=aqua>ColouredNames: </color><color=orange>Name colour changed to </color><color={0}>{0}</color><color=orange>!</color>",
    "ColourChangedFor": "<color=aqua>ColouredNames: </color><color=orange>{0}'s name colour changed to </color><color={1}>{1}</color><color=orange>!</color>",
    "ChatMessage": "<color={0}>{1}</color>: {2}",
    "LogInfo": "[CHAT] {0}[{1}/{2}] : {3}",
    "ColoursInfo": "<color=aqua>ColouredNames</color><color=orange>\nYou may use any colour used in HTML\nEg: \"</color><color=red>red</color><color=orange>\", \"</color><color=blue>blue</color><color=orange>\", \"</color><color=green>green</color><color=orange>\" etc\nOr you may use any hexcode (if enabled), eg \"</color><color=#FFFF00>#FFFF00</color><color=orange>\"\nTo remove your colour, use \"clear\" or \"remove\"\nAn invalid colour will default to </color>white<color=orange></color>",
    "CantUseClientside": "You may not use this command from ingame - server cosole only.",
    "ConsoleColourIncorrectUsage": "Incorrect usage! colour ",
    "InvalidIDConsole": "Error! {0} is not a SteamID!",
    "ConsoleColourChanged": "Colour of {0} changed to {1}.",
    "InvalidColour": "That colour is not valid. Do /colours for more information on valid colours."

    But Dont Work
  3. Are you using BetterChat?

    Edit: Nevermind, I think something is wrong. I'll post an update shortly.
  4. yes i use betterchat
    only the pink dont work
    but another colors works too
  5. The problem is a mix between "pink" not being a valid HTML5 colour, and BetterChat and the covalnce.FormatText function not properly checking if colours are valid before presenting them - the plugin works as intended without BetterChat loaded.

    I recommend you blacklist "pink" and tell people to use a colour such as magenta or #ff66cc (pink) instead.
  6. ok thats i make it ! thanks very much
  7. can be done when removing the permission was removed the color?
  8. Say again?
  9. the color is not removed when you remove permissions.
  10. Could you add a permission, like "colourednames.force.<color>", which gives the player with that permission a specific color?
  11. No. Use BetterChat for that.
  12. how can i give myself the colour permissions like where and what do i type. wont work for me
  13. To give yourself the "use" permission type, in the server console or RCON:
    oxide.grant user YOUR_USERNAME colourednames.use
    Replace "YOUR_USERNAME" with your ingame name.

    Then, to use the plugin type "/colour {colour}" in chat. Replace "{colour}" with the colour you want to use
  14. Unloaded plugin ColouredNames v1.3.1 by PsychoTea

    Previous version of plugin failed to load: ColouredNames

  15. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Anything else in your logs?
  16. Gonna need more information than that I'm afraid.
  17. Hey Wulf

    Is it possible to have a command that gives same colour to example players at once. so i dont have to make the command in each player who join.
    Like /colour yellow default/admin?
  18. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Grant the permission to a group. There's a tutorial for permissions in Oxide under my post.
  19. yeah i gave the admins the permission but they can only give colour to each single player one at a time.

    or am i mistaken?

    I was thinking of doing /colour purple default and they all get the same colour