

Total Downloads: 1,122 - First Release: Mar 22, 2017 - Last Update: Mar 24, 2018

5/5, 6 likes
  1. Ok, I'll submit a ticket for their site. Thanks
  2. Hi KrisBendix,

    It should execute both the commands, open a support ticket so we can investigate further : GPAY PTY LTD
  3. Hey, would it be possible to enable a sandbox store temporarily, to test if the items we have up actually work?
    Instead of actually paying, and losing $0.01 each time, because I'd rather not pay to test haha
  4. You can add a fake transaction, by going to the transactions page and clicking add transaction. (Enter your steamid and not your username)
  5. Okay, and does this affect for in-game too?
  6. I'm sorry, but i don't understand what you mean?
  7. Are you still able to redeem the rewards in-game using the fake transaction?
  8. Yes. They work just as if you had donation pending. /claimdonation and you will get it in game.
  9. Hi, so it works fine and I love that you made my transaction fee only 1% after a few donations which is great :) But my donators /claimdonation doesn't work, it gets stuck on please wait so I have to do it manually, can you fix this? My accounts email is [email protected]. Thanks
  10. Did the transaction show "completed" in GPay dashboard? Make sure you write a ticket there if it is donation side issue.
  11. Soccerjunki updated GPay Auto Donation System with a new update entry:



    Can you please open a support ticket here: GPAY PTY LTD
    as it's easier to help you out.
  12. Does that mean no new updates here or will you keep uploading here too?
  13. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Once plugins are moved, they’d be available only on the new site. Support can still be provided via both sites though if needed until this site is fully migrated.
  14. Default Themes is very bad
    How edit CSS ?
    How remove "Popular Products" ?
  15. I agree. Customization options are lacking. I would also like to have the affiliate option on checkout (that I suggested before) and maybe a way to integrate the donation page on my own website/blog-site etc.
    That said, I think here we can get support only on the plugin side, not the donation side.
  16. Not letting people sign in with steam.. Is this a website issue or steam issue?
  17. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Steam auth issue generally.
  18. We have fixed the steam issue, it should be working now.
    For anyone wondering what broke Steam changed their API so you can only use https and not HTTP anymore and decided not to tell anyone
  19. We now have an official discord channel: Discord
  20. How do I set this up so when people buy the VIP kit it shows the person in game when they type as vip. example [VIP] SomethinSquishy