

Total Downloads: 1,122 - First Release: Mar 22, 2017 - Last Update: Mar 24, 2018

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  1. can gpay be used to give more than 1 item at a time or does it work on only giving 1 item per transaction
    Say i have a donator kit - how would i go about giving that to someone ????

    Does anyone have a functioning gpay store that i can take a look at ???
  2. Here is mine Dioxide | Webstore
    I am giving Economics points there. You can add multiple choices and buy them more than one.
  3. cheers for that - looks very nice.
    Does anyone have a shop that sells items or kits i can view ?
  4. I think @mcphee does but not sure.

    there are ranks for sale on there, groups that have the kits
  6. so am i right in thinking mcphee u are selling access to vip - so once they purchase it they get moved to a relevant vip (which then in turn gives them access to the kits for that group ? )
  7. That would be the idea. I have my vip groups set up that way also.

    Make group - give group permission - set command to add/remove user to/from group in donation store
  8. This guy abandoned this, Or atleast doesnt care anymore. Id suggest Its everything gpay promised in the lasts months.
    Gpay makes u pay fee for the ugliest webstore ive ever seen in my life. Its ok if u just start out but once ur running like 2 weeks u really need to find something else.
  9. So I've setup Kits and also a linked Gpay account. I'm just a little confused on how I set it up so that my players will recieve, for example, a VIP kit after purchasing it. I'm guessing that you enter the appropriate command code on Gpay that will give them the kit but I can't figure out what that code is... something like:

    inventory.give VIP ???

    I understand individual items and that works fine, it's just Kits is a little different... bit confused, thanks again!
  10. Maybe you could shed some light as to how to use buycraft ? :) Or do they have any help pages for this ?
  11. do thay pay monthly?

    if they buy the kit do the have it for one time or cooldown with max uses?

    do i need to make the kits with /kit and then create the kit or is it already done?
  12. On the GPay screen before you're directed to PayPal, it says [Once you have completed your payment type /claim on the server, to get your rewards!]. How do we make that match the default command /claimdonation ?