

Total Downloads: 1,122 - First Release: Mar 22, 2017 - Last Update: Mar 24, 2018

5/5, 6 likes
  1. Been reading most of the pages on this but the commands just dont seem to work.
    I have got the timebased groups to be added IE: "command":"addgroup <steamid> VIP 30d", which works fine but I use 2 different usergroups 1 is for time based permissions which is fine but one is just a plain chat in game tag which does not use permissions.

    Time permissions does not accept addgroup <steamid> VIPtag
    It has to have a time on it so I have tried usergroup add <steamid> VIPtag, but still does not work which it should because its oxides normal command.

    Anyone can share some light? everything else is fine its just permanent usergroups I cant get to work.
  2. I believe oxide changed their commands to have a .oxide prefix, so it would now look like oxide.usergroup add <steamid> VIPtag
  3. can i set this up to pay for a fragnet server?
  4. Donation system not working. Paypal donation work but plugin dont want start.
      "packages": {
        "26578": [
            "command" : "grantperm <steamid> 30d"
            "command" : "grantperm <steamid> kits.vipkit 30d"
            "command" : "addgroup <steamid> vip 30d"
            "command" : "say Thank you <color=lime><username></color>, for your donation! You are now a <color=#37ea00>VIP</color> for 30 days."
        "2657832131": [
            "command" : "grantperm <steamid> 30d"
            "command" : "grantperm <steamid> kits.vipkit 30d"
            "command" : "grantperm <steamid> kits.premkit 30d"
            "command" : "addgroup <steamid> vip 30d"
            "command" : "addgroup <steamid> premium 30d"
            "command" : "say Thank you <color=lime><username></color>, for your donation! You are now a <color=#00ea95>PREMIUM</color> for 30 days."
        "2657832131323": [
            "command" : "grantperm <steamid> 30d"
            "command" : "grantperm <steamid> kits.vipkit 30d"
            "command" : "grantperm <steamid> kits.premkit 30d"
            "command" : "grantperm <steamid> kits.mvpkit 30d"
            "command" : "addgroup <steamid> vip 30d"
            "command" : "addgroup <steamid> premium 30d"
            "command" : "addgroup <steamid> mvp 30d"
            "command" : "say Thank you <color=lime><username></color>, for your donation! You are now a <color=#a000ea>MVP</color> for 30 days."
      "Secret": "dakskld8323blablabla"
  5. All is fine BUT if i do transaction manually it works and i or someone else gets the stuff BUT if someone pays with real cash it says very long "Checking..." and then nothing the item doesnt go in his inventory and not even any message appears but the funny thing on manual transaction all works fine, where is the problem here?
  6. Is there anyway to have them gain access to a kit? Thanks
  7. someone can help? why plugin not work
  8. Hey Fleetboss,

    The package ids don't seem to be correct or did you just remove them to post on these forums, other then the package ID problem everything seems correct. I'll continue digging if it's not the package id problem
  9. after any donation need write /claimdonation command for activation?

    i make donation - after success website send to 404 error...
    Failed to call hook 'ClaimDonatCommand' on plugin 'GPay v1.0.1' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object)at Oxide.Plugins.GPay.ClaimDonatCommand (.BasePlayer player, System.String command, System.String[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0at Oxide.Plugins.GPay.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (Oxide.Core.Plugins.HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String hook, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    plugin get error too...
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 12, 2018
  10. when its will be fix? up
  11. For some reason the donation website doesn't want to change. I tried changing it with the secret key but it will keep saying an old website from a friend of mine. Is there any way to fix thuis. I have also deleted the plugin numurous times
  12. The donation link is located in oxides language folder under gpay.json
  13. Thanks for the heads up!
  14. Is it possible to request a new feature?
  15. So I have made my first product and put item id’s in the json etc. when I type /claim nothing happens. And when I do /donate it doesn’t have my website name, just “SERVERNAME”
  16. hello there i think i set up everything how it should but its not working can you help me out please
  17. So far the support doesn't seem to be 24/7... I still have that question for a new feature.
  18. hello i got a question i did everything the description says and i added the packs i put in the secret key and put it back in the config. in rust i reloaded the plugin and i made an transaction in my profile on gpay but ingame its says no donations found what am i doing wrong please help

  19. Hey,

    Did you create the transaction using your steam id, if you did and it still doesn't work, then please send me your config file so i can have a look (remember to remove your secret key!).
  20. i hope its the good one

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