

Total Downloads: 1,122 - First Release: Mar 22, 2017 - Last Update: Mar 24, 2018

5/5, 6 likes
  1. Really? That's a bit lame.... @Soccerjunki any chance this can be changed so we do not need to change our currency on paypal as that is really, really bad. If you want to be considered as an alternative to other donation / payment system having multiple currency support is a must!!
  2. hi , i have Vip pack and i will give a player 31days VIP

    i also have TimedPermission

    my cfg -> is this right ??

      "packages": {
        "24076": [
            "itemID": 3655341,
            "qty": 10000
            "itemID": 374890416,
            "qty": 2500
            "itemID": 688032252,
            "qty": 2500
            "itemID": -892070738,
            "qty": 10000
            "command" : "addgroup <steamid> vip 31d",
      "Secret": "key"
  3. (Delete this comment please)
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 7, 2017
  4. the item Id is upper (24076)

    or i have a misstake ?

    My Vip Pack is VIp group and resources wood metal ..
  5. Aye I just double checked as was referring to my config for command's (I don't give out resources along with vip package)

    Aye your config was correct, my bad ;)

    oh sorry just noticed you don't need the "," at the end of your command as it's a single line.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 7, 2017
  6. Code:
      "packages": {
        "24076": [
            "itemID": 3655341,
            "qty": 10000
            "itemID": 374890416,
            "qty": 2500
            "itemID": 688032252,
            "qty": 2500
            "itemID": -892070738,
            "qty": 10000
            "command" : "addgroup <steamid> vip 31d",
            "qty": 1
        "24079": [
            "itemID": 3655341,
            "qty": 10000
            "itemID": 374890416,
            "qty": 2500
            "itemID": 688032252,
            "qty": 2500
            "itemID": -892070738,
            "qty": 2000
            "command" : "addgroup <steamid> vip 7d",
      "Secret": "key"
    yes that it ,
    So I wonder if my cfg is so right

    Ohh sry i understand
    Ok, if I write a line no (,) but if I write 2 lines then a (,)

    thanks a lot ;)
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 7, 2017
  7. "command" : "addgroup <steamid> vip 7d", <----- there

    Also I don't think you need qty on commands as I just re-checked the previous pages and no one else has qty on the commands only the items. So both commands are single line so no need for a "," at the end.
  8. Hey sorry to ask alot of you but can you make a version of this plugin work with a command going threw the config file so that I can edit the donate message currently I can't edit it because the server hosting company we use doesn't allow editing .cs files via file
  9. go to lang/en/GPay.json

    You can edit the messages there ;-)
  10. I mean it's only illegal but sure why's illegal to charge or accept money for anything in-game it violates rust terms and conditions so you are putting yourself at a huge risk for lawsuit
  11. That's why you don't charge for in-game items but for access to 3rd party plugins ;-) to help pay for server costs...
  12. like what for example????
  13. skins / building grades / remote turrets / extra or increased tp & home values / insert more here
  14. i tested transaction but i cant get. Is it my name?

    Here some pictures :)

    pic1.png pic2.png pic3.png pic4.png
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 2, 2017
  15. CrazyBeast, you ever get this working?
  16. Crazy Beast, I like what you had there, it inspired the direction I took. However I used the timedpermission commands.
      "packages": {
        "24926": [
            "command": "addgroup <steamid> vip 30d",
            "command": "grantperm <steamid> kits.vipkit 1d",
            "command": "say Thank you <color=lime><username></color>, for your donation! You are now a <color=yellow>VIP</color> for 30 days.",
            "command": "To redeem your VIP Kit . . . you'll have to kill yourself.  Press F1 and type <color=orange>kill</color>",
      "Secret": "classified"
    Now here's my problem.
    (1) After purchasing the donation, people get redirected to a 404 error.
    For a 10% fee, I kinda expect better.

    (2) The first person to purchase the donation, the only message that showed up was the last line, "to redeem your VIP Kit . . . ."
    But they never got added to the vip group, and never received the permission kits.vipkit.
    Also, the next 4 people to purchase it, Didn't even get to see the last line. The plugin itself still said the whole, "please wait" then "thank you for your donation" But that was it.
    The server didn't broadcast any of the messages. It didn't add them to the group, nor give them the permission.

    Typically, I would believe the last "command" line wouldn't need that last comma, but i tried that do and that didn't work either.
    5 Transactions and I ended up having to do it all manually. I might as well just give them a link and keep the 10%
  17. {
    "packages": {
    "24926": [
    "command": "addgroup <steamid> vip 30d",
    "command": "grantperm <steamid> kits.vipkit 1d",
    "command": "say Thank you <color=lime><username></color>, for your donation! You are now a <color=yellow>VIP</color> for 30 days.",
    "command": "say To redeem your VIP Kit . . . you'll have to kill yourself. Press F1 and type <color=orange>kill</color>",
    "qty": 1
    "Secret": "classified"

    Try that :D
    [DOUBLEPOST=1506242403][/DOUBLEPOST]TBH I am thinking the same as you and forgetting this plugin all together. Also in your paypal make sure you have USD as a currency or it just won't work either
  18. Yeah i've had no problem receiving the money and they've had no problem receiving their cut. It'd just be nice if it would run the commands like it's supposed to instead of me having do it all manually.
  19. I've binned it mate. There are alternatives but screw it I just made VIP packages that you buy with RP instead. I asked these clowns to remove my account but no response to the email I sent them... I'm calling scam tbh
  20. Code:
                "command":"addgroup <steamid> vip 30d"
                "command":"grantperm <steamid> kits.vipkit 1d"
                "command":"say Thank you <color=lime><username></color>, for your donation! You are now a <color=yellow>VIP</color> for 30 days."
                "command":"To redeem your VIP Kit . . . you'll have to kill yourself.  Press F1 and type <color=orange>kill</color>"
    Try that.

    If you are adding manual transactions through the gpay control panel, instead of your username you must enter your steam id.

    Now as for the deletion of accounts, we don't delete accounts. The closest alternative we can arrange is to suspend your account.