Voter Rewards

Rewards players who vote for your server on

Total Downloads: 3,456 - First Release: Jan 5, 2015 - Last Update: Jun 18, 2017

5/5, 18 likes
  1. @k1lly0u can you please take a look at it and maybe fix it for RP points ?
    youre one of the best devs around ;-)
  2. Hello this plugin working anymore?
  3. My LUA skills are not up to par :p
  4. this plugin can give points XP for vote?
  5. Anyone found the short name for Supply Signal that works ?
  6. Ok, after reading through all the previous posts I have fixed it based on a post by @recon . He got round the period issue being dropped to a seperate line by using a hash symbol to add the underscore. Problem is not all the names are interchangeable with '_' underscores and '.' full points.

    I changed this line in his code.
    SendMessage(player, msg:gsub("{REWARD}", table.concat(names, ", ")):gsub("#", "."), "[ID " .. tostring(i) .. "]" )
    Using the list here (still current)
    Docs/ at master · OxideMod/Docs · GitHub

    I now have this working. My config looks like this.
      "Settings": {
        "DataFile": "VoterData",
        "Rewards": [
            "price": 1,
            "reward": {
              "supply#signal": 1
            "price": 2,
            "reward": {
              "explosive#timed": 3
            "price": 4,
            "reward": {
              "autoturret": 1
    And my server set up looks like this.
        "Trackers": {
          "[Rust-Servers]": {
            "ID": "83126",
            "Key": "qy90lyfdehjl6ufd02wr19v6q7acp86uqy",
            "PointsForVote": 1
          "[TopRustServers]": {
            "ID": "17870",
            "Key": "4a6e0e8b496ce4ebc2a1f8bf21702804",
            "PointsForVote": 1
    If this works for you drop by and give us a vote up - cheers. :D

    [UK]Critical.Systems|iNSTa|KiT|XP|HoMe|TP|ReM|LiGHTS|SiL|VoTe - Top Rust Servers
    Rust server #83126
    [DOUBLEPOST=1469091845][/DOUBLEPOST]Bear mind, only replace the . periods (full points) with #

    Leave underscores _ as they are.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 24, 2017
  7. So we are running server rewards and this. They both use /rewards and the server rewards is over-riding the voting. Is there any way to make this plugin show the rewards list with /reward instead of /rewards?
  8. Try that.
  9. Rewards configured but if they claim the reward, their points will be removed correctly but no items given?!

    Can someone look into it? o_O

    Attached Files:

  10. Depends whether you have specified the rewards correctly in your config. The one I posted above works as long as you leave underscores in and only replace full points with a hash.
  11. Thanks boot! It is now working, I just had to install one before the other.
  12. I dont have underscores, only full points in the rewards. I replaced them with a # and then it loaded. But it wont work.
    Could you look into the rewards? Maybe you see the problem :D
  13. Just set up custom DNS for both voting sites e.g and would like this displayed instead of the long URL anybody know how this can be changed to support this?
  14. I have tried messing with the code but cannot get it to work. With the first reward I tried with #'s instead of underscores, still not working. Points work, just cannot receive the items. This is the Config File. Any ideas? Or did I just mess it up?

    Attached Files:

  15. Underscores are fine, it's full points . that need to be replaced with hash #
  16. Could you show me so I don't mess it up any more?
    Pretty pleasee <3
  17. Hi guys just started getting this after last update
    [Oxide] 12:58 [Warning] Calling 'OnServerInitialized' on 'voter v1.4.0' took 1836ms
  18. I get that on various scripts. I wouldn't worry, it should still work finr if all the settings are correct.
  19. Money dont work!
  20. Someone please rewrite this for compatability with Server Rewards!!