Voter Rewards

Rewards players who vote for your server on

Total Downloads: 3,445 - First Release: Jan 5, 2015 - Last Update: Jun 18, 2017

5/5, 18 likes
  1. dd2

    [DOUBLEPOST=1530817605][/DOUBLEPOST]I tried Vote Rewards and EasyVote Plugin. Both plugins are not able to communicate with rust-servers or beancan.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1530818638][/DOUBLEPOST]Okay, i think i have no choice, only reinstalling the server is the las thing i can imagine that would work...

    i also checked the urls, they are returning 1 and 0. But both plugins are just not able to communicate through rust to the internet server. So sad :(
  2. when i do /vote do i get unknown command
  3. Gettting [Warning] [VoteRewards] Error: 0 - Couldn't get an answer from Rust-Servers whenever someone trys to claim rewards
  4. How do you add multiple server API keys?
  5. Did you manage to add multiple API keys? You said urls with an s. if so please help me add that
  6. multiple api key?
    "Tracker Information": {
    "API Key": "pHCsTs8pwmA2eD48BgEnpbEcdbER7SXr4z5",
    "Points received per vote": 1,
    "Tracker type (TopRustServers, RustServers, Beancan)": "RustServers"
    "Tracker Information2": {
    "API Key": "Q2XqN54gtZ8T5JLfHHbfnN1NOd9wa1J6oO",
    "Points received per vote": 1,
    "Tracker type (TopRustServers, RustServers, Beancan)": "RustServers"
    "Tracker Information3": {
    "API Key": "bm2vkER1vl0ToS9fB2kFj2sbJNt7IeYgd31",
    "Points received per vote": 1,
    "Tracker type (TopRustServers, RustServers, Beancan)": "RustServers"
  7. @3rror that way is not working for me with mutiple servers. Someone can help please how to make it work with mutiple servers?
  8. Support for multiple websites would be phenomenal! I see it's been recommended several times throughout the last year and a half. Wondering if there's any progress being done on that? Thanks in advance! @k1lly0u
  9. Is it possible to give people reward points manually?