Voter Rewards

Rewards players who vote for your server on

Total Downloads: 3,445 - First Release: Jan 5, 2015 - Last Update: Jun 18, 2017

5/5, 18 likes
  1. is there a way for players to do /reward wood instead of /reward id

    would look alot better.
  2. How to add multiple servers?
  3. @k1lly0u can you help us with that issue of put multiple server keys? Please
  4. Possible to just give RPpoints or Supply signal when someone vote? No /reward in chat needed..
  5. am i able to display a message so when they type /vote and they havnt voted it would tell them where to go to vote?
  6. is it possible to use beancan and rustservers at the same time, so they get double points? or i have to choose between one or the other?
    in case i can use both at the same time what would the config file look like?

    thx so much in advance
  7. dd2


    "I always get "There was a error contacitng Rust-Servers. Please try agian later"

    Any idea whats the cause of this? API Key is 100% correct.
  8. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Which Oxide version?
  9. dd2


    the newest one, same is for easyvote. Both cant connect to ruster servers or beancan.

    Probably it requires an addication addon to work? it worked when my server was on modded list.
  10. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Could you provide the exact version please? Also, logs and is your server behind a router?
  11. dd2


  12. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

  13. dd2


    Oxide 2.0.3983 and Rust 63 (2094.164.1)
  14. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Please try updating to the latest version of Oxide.Rust.
  15. dd2


    Can i just patch it or do i have to restart my server? cuz i have ppl on it atm
  16. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    You'd have to shutdown to update. You may want to wait till the Rust update hits today.
  17. dd2


    i only got this on my server

    i am working with a rust server host, i just ticked soemthing to install oxide. When i download oxide from this website i only get x86 and x64 with loads of dlls. I dont really get how i update this.

  18. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    The screenshot is the oxide folder with plugins and such, not the mod itself. The x86, x64, etc. from the site is the actual mod, which most hosts don't allow manual installs so that will not help you most likely. The method you normally use to update Oxide would be what you'd use.
  19. dd2


    Sorry to bother you with my dumb questions, but i dont really understand how to update now. I ticked and unticked the usage of oxide and and restarted the server between. I deleted the old server and it generated a new whole oxide folder. But its still the same version.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1530817060][/DOUBLEPOST]The thing is, it worked 2 Days ago. idk why its not working now anymore.
  20. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Mmm, actually that looks like you do have the latest. Which host are you with? Some changes were made with web requests to fix some issues with the IP address used for them.