
Steadily decays buildings made of twigs. Works for other tiers, too, if configured to do so.

Total Downloads: 5,877 - First Release: Mar 25, 2015 - Last Update: Dec 23, 2016

5/5, 16 likes
  1. i agree i have set a no decay flag in my town but with the nodecay plugin it starts to decay the town that is made of wood is this a problem of zonemanager then ?
  2. I don't know hence why I posted on both plugins :p
  3. I have a feeling this is going to turn into one of the most popular plugins with this new update. are you going to redo this plugin so we can modify resource usage from the new upkeep system and modify the whole decay system in the future?
  4. since the tc upgrade in the game all a player needs to do is put 1 wood in a tc and it stops the twig decay.
    Running a PVE server with Nodecay and this plugin , worked fine before the tc update but now i have twig builds all over not decaying.....
    Any hints on solving this issue ?
  5. try this CustomDecay for Rust | Oxide if u put wood in TC twig will nevertheless decay. with this plugin u can replace twigsdecay and nodecay
  6. Does the plugin cut the destruction of buildings that have a tool cupboard
  7. Should my default server decay be on or off when using this plugin? I have decay off on my server and in the past this plugin would work, but now nothing decays.