
Do you want a pet? This plugin is for you!

Total Downloads: 12,219 - First Release: Mar 22, 2015 - Last Update: Jun 11, 2018

4.63636/5, 44 likes
  1. I am standing right next to my pet bear. I cannot get any closer!

    Also, regarding telling my pet to feed on a dead bear, it just isn't working. No matter where I click I get the cyan arrow.

    I can tell my pet bear to eat any other animal just fine - I get the yellow arrow for those, but with dead bears, no yellow.

    Other pets work fine. Seems it's just pet bears having issues!
    [DOUBLEPOST=1428331007][/DOUBLEPOST]Also can we please have this integrated with the server /help command so that people can easily understand how it works?

    And it looks like this plugin is interfering with the warp/home/tp commands of the Warp plugin because ever since adding the Pets plugin, whenever anyone tries to /warp or /home or /tp they get told their teleport was interrupted!
  2. Maybe add a feature that enables you to "craft" the pet.
    Activated by cmd which checks if you have specific items in your inventory,
    if so then it removes them (certain amount) and spawns the animal in front of you.
    Because right now the animals have really low health and are quite hard to find,
    so for some ppl its not just worth the hassle.
    Maybe double their health and/or make their dmg and hp adjustable via cfg,
    different var for each pet.
  3. Yes, in next version you will be able to change damage, health, speed, hunger, thirst.
    About craft: I'm not sure that 's a good idea for this plugin (may be for a single plugin), but maybe I'll add the price of taming (food).
  4. I've been roaming my server for a good hour or so but still can't find any animals. Any chance you could tell me how you spawned them in, please?
  5. To test you can use espawner plugin, which i do. But if you are trying to find animals the legit way,
    then search for them in forests and grasslands.
  6. Thanks, I'll look at the plugin :)
    This plugin does not exist anymore
  8. Hi in future can you add console command to enable/disable /pet ?
  9. You already can disable pet mode (/pet)
  10. This still wipes your server on a restart.

    also im very thankful for it, i just disable the plugin on restart and readd after server is back up.

    Just thought i would let you know its still wiping the server
  11. With the RUST update of today u will be able to teleport animals to your position
  12. Plugin only removes animals ( pets ) on restart, he can not wipe your server)
  13. Hi in console server? for me that not work that simply write in chat from the command and console. Console server do not accept a / charset too. I add i tried too send command with global.say chat.say and or notice popup from rustadmin tool/or in serverconsole was same !! I think you not talk about the same way to type the command you ask in game right?
  14. Oh, u asked about console cmd... Why do u want it?
  15. Because admin's are simply not alway in game you know? and to activate it 1st we need to play ingame that why most important i think...
  16. So u need to deactivate the plugin from console? (u can use oxide.unload Pets + oxide.load Pets to activate)
  17. omg ^^ ok thank you
    But oddly when the server go up the oxide.load Pets to activate command is naturally executed right? but to activate NPC we need to enter ingame to execute again /pet in chat !! i've no other possibility to enable it. Finaly oxide.load Pets no activate the plug it simply load Bombardir.
  18. [Oxide] 11:51 AM [Warning] Pets plugin is using deprecated hook: OnEntityAttacked
    You have to give permission for each Player!
  19. Hi, yes? but what permission must i add to the group/how to? have you got a tutorial to the oxide management somewhere?
  20. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    The permissions for this plugin are on its Overview page:

    The tutorial was provided in the post above your post.