Monument Radiation

Create radiation zones at designated monuments

Total Downloads: 5,467 - First Release: Dec 25, 2015 - Last Update: Dec 30, 2017

5/5, 22 likes
  1. I added the following to my plugin file. Maybe the Developer can add it in his plugin by default.

    In "#region functions MonumentRadiation" block:
    # new function
    private int getTimerRandom(int iOnOff) {
      if (iOnOff == 0) {
      return UnityEngine.Random.Range(5, 20);
      } else {
      return UnityEngine.Random.Range(25, 55);
    private void startRadTimers()
      OnTimer = timerOn * 60;
      timer.Repeat(1, OnTimer, () =>
      if (OnTimer == 0)
      ConVar.Server.radiation = false;
      if (broadcastTimer)
    // ############################# code added here ##
      if (timersRandom) {
      timerOff = getTimerRandom(0);
    // ###########################################
      MessageAllPlayers(lang.GetMessage("RadsOffMsg", this), timerOff);
      OffTimer = timerOff * 60;
      timer.Repeat(1, OffTimer, () =>
      if (OffTimer == 0)
      ConVar.Server.radiation = true;
      if (broadcastTimer)
    // ############################# code added here ##
      if (timersRandom) {
      timerOn = getTimerRandom(1);
    // ###########################################
      MessageAllPlayers(lang.GetMessage("RadsOnMsg", this), timerOn);
    Changes in LoadConfigVariables():
    CheckCfg("Options - Timers - Amount of time Random", ref timersRandom);
      if (timersRandom) {
      Puts("====== Using random timers");
      timerOff = getTimerRandom(0);
      timerOn = getTimerRandom(1);
      } else {
      Puts("====== Using static timers");
      CheckCfg("Options - Timers - Amount of time deactivated (mins)", ref timerOff);
      CheckCfg("Options - Timers - Amount of time activated (mins)", ref timerOn);
    "Options - Timers - Amount of time Random": true,
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
  2. @k1lly0u: I love your plugin, but have a question: Players on my server keep telling me that there is radiation at atleast two random locations like in the middle of nowhere, but at the same time the radiation for all monument-locations seem to work properly. Do you have an idea how i can fix this? Cause it destroys immersion somehow :-( I am using Zonesmanager 2.3.2.
  3. [MonumentRadiation] Created 0 monument radiation zones
    Map Hapisisland
  4. PM your ZoneManager data file

    I'm not sure what monuments are on HapisIsland, but make sure you have them set to true in the config
  5. I've fixed some your issues with adding zones every restart if plugin was not unloaded properly.
    the way it is:
     void OnServerInitialized()
                if (!plugins.Exists("ZoneManager"))
                    Puts(lang.GetMessage("noZoneM", this));
                if (!Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.ExistsDatafile("MR_data")) //check
                        Puts("Creating new MR_data");
                        findAllMonuments(); //  for creating zones and calling ZoneManager
                if (ConVar.Server.radiation == false)
                    RadsOn = false;
                    ConVar.Server.radiation = true;
                if (useRadTimer)
    private void findAllMonuments()
                Puts("Reading MR_data");      
                ZoneData = Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.GetFile("MR_data");
                ZoneData.Settings.Converters = new JsonConverter[] { new StringEnumConverter(), new UnityVector3Converter(), };
                var allobjects = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsOfType<GameObject>();
                foreach (var gobject in allobjects)
                    var pos = gobject.transform.position;
                    if (radsLighthouse)..................................................................
    It checks for file MR_data. If exists, it skips creating new zones (stops calling zoneManager and any things about MR_data exept loading)
    Ive got 100% some logical mistakes here but it works pretty good.
    If u want to disable plugin - just unload it and all radzones instantly remove from MR_data and ZoneManager (as it was previously by GrandPluginMaster k1lly0u)
    But to enable it back, you should delete empty file MR_zone, otherwise plugin wouldnt add zones (cuz of added Check)
    K1llyou, it would be kind of you, if you would take this little idea and realize it properly in your plugin.

    Attached Files:

  6. I just had a look at the plugin and it turns out I have fixed the issue with multiple zones, I must have forgotten to post it. It was a while ago because I don't remember doing it :p
    @Vaalberith, the reason I have the zones wipe on unload and startup and not just check for existing is because if there is existing data and the user has changed the map seed the monuments will be in different locations
    @b1343779 I have added option for random timers to the update I am about to post.
    Thanks for the input guys :)
  7. k1lly0u updated Monument Radiation with a new update entry:


  8. The plugin dosn't find the Monuments on Hapisisland. Is there a way to add the zones manually ? I made a zone named satellite_1 and gave it the same amount of rad as in the config, after that i reloaded the monument plugin but it didn't work. Any idea ?


    Can someone tell me whats inside the MR_data.json(oxide/data) after creating the zones or can even upload me one. I guess i can add the zones manually with that.
  9. deleted
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 23, 2016
  10. Thank you Resistance, i tried a few things but seems like manual adding the zones dosn't work. Maybe cause it can't find the monuments. You can't even see them on the RUST:IO live map or on the Lustymap ingame. :( tobad.
  11. The monuments on HapisIsland are not the same monuments as a procedural map, it looks like they have placed individual parts from each monument to build new areas so there is no way to detect them. I have gone around and recorded the position of them all and will post a update
  12. k1lly0u updated Monument Radiation with a new update entry:


  13. You are awesome, thank you :)
  14. Deleted text cos I did not check version of plugin

    Seems I was using older version and have now updated plugin , will see how it goes , but hopefully will be ok,
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 28, 2016
  15. Make sure to delete your old zone manager data and also edit the zone options in the monument radiation config. They get updated so changing them through zonemanager won't work
  16. Thanks, seems to be working 100% now and along with the wolves added through another plugin stops players sitting in radtowns waiting for loot respawns :)
  17. i enter mr_list and get reply as monument radiation none
    any help would be appreciated ?
  18. Evening, my monument radiation isnt working on my server?
    I've tried redownloading it and uploading it again. It doesn't seem to work.
    I have editing the files in anyway, and am currently on procedural map.

    Any ideas would be much appreciated.
  19. Have you set the monuments you want to have radiation to true in the config?
  20. That was he problem, thank you very much.
    I used to work before and hadn't been edited. Thank you once again.