Monument Radiation

Create radiation zones at designated monuments

Total Downloads: 5,467 - First Release: Dec 25, 2015 - Last Update: Dec 30, 2017

5/5, 22 likes
  1. Hello, guys
    I have a problem with this plugin: MonumentRadiation make a lot of zones in ZoneManager.json.
    For example, I have 4 Warehouses, Trainyard, RadTown, Powerplant, Sphere Tank... A full list of monuments.
    When I try to enable Radiation on RadTown, I get 1 zone, Sphere Tank - +1, Warehouses - +4. But when I just add Trainyard, I have 28 zones in ZoneManager config! So, when the numbers of zones increases to 50+, players start lag. When I disable radiations on some zones in config, I cant see any difference in number of zones. But radiation on this monuments doesn't work. What I need to do?
    P.S. number of zone are grow up after each restat :(
    UPD. We found that problems only with Trainyard, Powerplant, Airfield and Militari Tonnels. Other monuments make only 1 zone for themselfs.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 22, 2016
  2. Did you install it properly ? If you change the map for a wipe, you need to delete the data files... otherwise it will keep them in memory and you will get a lot of radiated zone based on previous maps and previous date files...

    1) Unload plugin
    2) delete all files in data related to this plugin
    3) reload the plugin with the good config
  3. I'm not sure if anyone else has experienced this but, if I'm in a zone where there are rads and they go down while I am there....I hear the radiation sound. I have to turn god on and off for it to go away.
  4. Where can I find other data filse except ZoneManager.json in /data folder?

    Ok, MR_data.json have been deleted, ZoneManager.json too, after load ZM and MR (Airfield - "enable"), and in MR_data.json we have:
      "MRZones": {
        "(947.5, 38.5, 636.4)": "airfield_320",
        "(956.3, 38.5, 653.0)": "airfield_893",
        "(1020.8, 38.3, 726.8)": "airfield_490",
        "(1013.4, 38.3, 654.6)": "airfield_325",
        "(1027.2, 37.6, 620.7)": "airfield_999",
        "(998.1, 38.1, 620.9)": "airfield_363",
        "(1025.2, 38.3, 707.9)": "airfield_511",
        "(1007.1, 37.9, 653.5)": "airfield_449",
        "(1033.3, 38.3, 640.2)": "airfield_119",
        "(986.9, 38.3, 677.7)": "airfield_209",
        "(1005.7, 38.5, 701.1)": "airfield_262",
        "(925.6, 38.3, 623.1)": "airfield_439",
        "(900.7, 38.3, 601.5)": "airfield_488",
        "(1032.4, 38.3, 721.2)": "airfield_605",
        "(1042.3, 37.9, 702.8)": "airfield_889",
        "(924.5, 38.3, 627.0)": "airfield_534",
        "(931.3, 38.3, 621.3)": "airfield_817",
        "(926.5, 38.3, 623.0)": "airfield_598",
        "(995.5, 38.5, 700.2)": "airfield_598",
        "(989.1, 38.5, 702.0)": "airfield_311",
        "(997.4, 38.5, 698.3)": "airfield_52",
        "(1012.2, 38.3, 711.0)": "airfield_237",
        "(-17.7, -3.5, -1347.1)": "lighthouse_989",
        "(589.7, 22.1, -344.3)": "radtown_293",
        "(-967.9, 23.0, -1336.7)": "warehouse_325",
        "(-1097.2, 13.9, 38.3)": "warehouse_102",
        "(419.6, 36.7, -166.1)": "warehouse_418",
        "(-200.1, 31.4, -167.1)": "spheretank_778",
        "(787.2, 64.2, 831.1)": "satellite_764",
        "(988.7, 38.3, 645.3)": "airfield_966",
        "(182.3, 29.0, -36.4)": "waterplant_800"
    Smthg wrng wth "airfield"...
    Last edited by a moderator: May 23, 2016
  5. Cannot help like this but everything is linked to the data file.

    Maybe you can delete the plugins, delete the config files and then the data files as well.

    and then you try to install the plugins again one by one ( zone manager first without nothing set up ) and the the monument radiation plugin. It should create defaut files in data.

    Then set the monuments you want radiation in in config and that is it... When you write /zone_list you should get everything oki for the selected map you have ( world size and seed ).

    Hope it can help.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2016
  6. 1) Remove the monument radiation plugin
    2) If you have an old correct zonemanager file ( data ) that is good : Unload zomemanager. put the correct data file instead of the one that is incorrect
    3) load zonemanager
    4) Edit all zones and remove everything related to monument radiation ( Don't remove the zone you created for events or other )
    /zone_list ( to see the list )
    /zone_edit ( name of the zone )
    /zone_remove ( name of the zone )

    Check at the end if the zones you have /zone_list is correct ( only the one you created yourself )

    5) Unload zomemanager
    6) Load Zonemanager ( you should only get the zone you created - NOTHING RELATED TO RADIATIONS YET ) check with /zone_list
    7) put the plugin of monument radiation
    8 ) wait for the config file : edit as you wish
    9) Reload the moment when the correct config file is on your ftp
    10) Normally you should get your zones, the new with radiation ( without duplications ) and radiation will work in those areas.

    Hope it can help !
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2016
  7. This happens everytime on server shutting down

    [Oxide] 23:13 [Error] Failed to call hook 'Unload' on plugin 'MonumentRadiation v0.1.8' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object)
    [Oxide] 23:13 [Debug]   at Oxide.Plugins.MonumentRadiation.eraseZone (System.String zoneID) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at Oxide.Plugins.MonumentRadiation.EraseAll () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at Oxide.Plugins.MonumentRadiation.Unload () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at Oxide.Plugins.MonumentRadiation.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (System.Reflection.MethodInfo method, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String hookname, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    [Oxide] 23:13 [Warning] CallHook 'Unload' on plugin 'MonumentRadiation v0.1.8' took: 3102ms
  8. Wiped today, now it only creates 3 radiation zones (Trainyard, Airfield and Powerplant.) I only deleted the MR and ZoneManager data, I didn't touch the config, so I don't know if it's my fault or the plugin not working properly after the update.

    (And I tried removing again those files, and restarting the server to see if it generates the zones but that didn't work)
  9. Wipe of today.

    Plugin is starting, but created only 2 zones with radiations instead of the one I decided :

    (23:07:40) | [Oxide] 23:07 [Info] Loaded plugin MonumentRadiation v0.1.8 by k1lly0u
    (23:07:40) | [Oxide] 23:07 [Warning] MonumentRadiation has replaced the 'global.mr_clearall' console command previously registered by MonumentRadiation
    (23:07:40) | [Oxide] 23:07 [Warning] MonumentRadiation has replaced the 'mr_clearall' chat command previously registered by MonumentRadiation
    (23:07:40) | [Oxide] 23:07 [Warning] MonumentRadiation has replaced the 'global.mr_list' console command previously registered by MonumentRadiation
    (23:07:40) | [Oxide] 23:07 [Warning] MonumentRadiation has replaced the 'mr_list' chat command previously registered by MonumentRadiation
    (23:07:40) | [Oxide] 23:07 [Warning] MonumentRadiation has replaced the 'mr' chat command previously registered by MonumentRadiation
    (23:07:40) | [Oxide] 23:07 [Info] [MonumentRadiation] Created 2 monument radiation zones
    (23:07:40) | [Oxide] 23:07 [Warning] Calling 'OnServerInitialized' on 'MonumentRadiation v0.1.8' took 598ms

    Attached Files:

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 3, 2016
  10. Yes, same as above... mine is creating 5 instead of the 8 I have set to true. I've unloaded both MR and ZM and reinstalled them twice.
  11. Same problem... But my plugin made 0 of zones.
    Maybe, try to add manually?
  12. I suppose it could work :

    /zone name "name"
    option :

    radiation XX/false => add radiation to the zone ( I put 50 I don t know if it is too much or not ... ? )
    enter_message "XXXXX"/false => set a message that will be sent to players when they enter the zone
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 3, 2016
  13. That's the first thing I tried to do, but at least for me that didn't work. Yes you can create a radiation zone, but I couldn't add it to MonumentRadiation so it will always be active. If someone manages to make it work that would be great.
  14. Now I don't have access to server, so can't try to do, but...
    What if:
    1. Create zones manually
    2. Get old MR_data file and change coordinates like same monuments in new ZoneManager data json
    3. Make MR_data "read only" to prevent from rewriting after reloading Monument Radiation plugin?
  15. I think it is working on our server.

    We put monument radiation plugin and it created 2 zones where it is working. We have 55 minutes with radiation and 5 minutes without.

    Then I created the zones manually on each zones I want and add radiations like that and I think it is working ( it was on durinf the period ) and off outside the period.

    Will have to check again.
  16. k1lly0u updated Monument Radiation with a new update entry:


    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 4, 2016
  17. Oh thank great news.

    But for people who already put the previous version on their plugin folder, please first check your /zone_list in the game and remove all the radiated zones created by the version.
    Then remove the plugin, the config file, and the data file.

    and eventually install this new version in order to get it correctly installed ( and avoir double monument radiated zones in the list ).
  18. Just a quick one... Making changes to the langfile for the warning messages don't seem to be taking affect. Is the plugin overwriting this file on reload? Is it using hardcoded text from the .cs file rather than the lang json?

    Also just want to say thank you, I had to stop using previous version due to dependency on zone manager. This one is running wayyy better.

  19. Unload before making changes?
  20. Yeah, still no joy!