Magic Craft

Alternative crafting system

Total Downloads: 6,435 - First Release: Sep 18, 2015 - Last Update: Oct 13, 2017

5/5, 25 likes
  1. It's not the same thing.
    With the Instant craft we get a time to zero.
    With the Magic craft we get an instant craft whatever the quantity.
  2. @XTREM RUST if your looking to craft more then the Rust max stack this addon wont help. Magic craft works perfectly as advertised just not as you want it to (theirs difference)
  3. Oh yes. Indeed I'm just looking to be able to craft more than the max stack.
    An idea to solve this problem?
  4. Of what though, what could have possibly changed since 2 years ago.
  5. I dont know what the exploit was/is. All I know is FP put a stop to it by making the max crafting of anything its own stacksize. If you dont like that then complain to FP not to an addon that cant change that.
  6. Can someone update the plugin
    [DOUBLEPOST=1528908636][/DOUBLEPOST]if someone can send me details on how to update it plz
  7. Might want to post whats wrong with the addon
  8. what wrong with it
  9. Your asking for an update, which implies that something with the addon is broken or not working as intended.
    If your asking how to set it up read the overview
  10. Code:
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using Rust;
    using Oxide.Core;
    using Oxide.Core.Plugins;
    using System.Reflection;
    using Newtonsoft.Json;namespace Oxide.Plugins
        [Info("MagicCraft", "Norn", "0.3.1", ResourceId = 1347)]
        [Description("An alternative crafting system.")]
        public class MagicCraft : RustPlugin
            int MaxB = 999;
            int MinB = 1;
            int MAX_INV_SLOTS = 30;
            string Lang(string key, string id = null, params object[] args) => string.Format(lang.GetMessage(key, this, id), args);
            Plugin PopupNotifications;
            class StoredData
                public Dictionary<string, CraftInfo> CraftList = new Dictionary<string, CraftInfo>();
                public StoredData()
            class CraftInfo
                public int MaxBulkCraft;
                public int MinBulkCraft;
                public string displayName;
                public string shortName;
                public string description;
                public bool Enabled;
                public CraftInfo()
            StoredData storedData;
            private void ConfigurationCheck()
                try { if (Config.Count() == 0) LoadDefaultConfig(); } catch { Puts("Configuration file seems to be unreadable... Re-generating."); LoadDefaultConfig(); }
            void Loaded()
                permission.RegisterPermission("", this);
                lang.RegisterMessages(new Dictionary<string, string>
                    ["CraftSuccess"] = "You have crafted <color=#66FF66>{0}</color> <color=#66FFFF>{1}</color>\n[Batch Amount: <color=#66FF66>{2}</color>]",
                    ["DifferentSlots"] = "You <color=yellow>only</color> have <color=green>{0}</color> slots left, crafting <color=green>{1}</color> / <color=red>{2}</color> requested.",
                    ["InventoryFull"] = "Your <color=yellow>inventory</color> is <color=red>full</color>!",
                    ["InventoryFullBypass"] = "Magic Craft has been <color=red>bypassed</color> because your <color=yellow>inventory</color> is <color=red>full</color>!",
                    ["InventoryFullBypassStack"] = "Magic Craft has been <color=red>bypassed</color>!\nYou need <color=red>{0}</color> inventory slots free to craft <color=yellow>{1} {2}</color>.",
                    ["CooldownEnabled"] = "Magic Craft has been <color=red>bypassed</color> because you're crafting <color=red>too fast</color>!"
                }, this);
            private void OnServerInitialized()
                storedData = Interface.GetMod().DataFileSystem.ReadObject<StoredData>(this.Title);
                webrequest.Enqueue("", null, PullWorkshopIDS, this);
                if (Config["Messages", "ItemFailed"] == null) { Puts("Updating configuration..."); LoadDefaultConfig(); }
            protected override void LoadDefaultConfig()
                Puts("Generating Magic Craft configuration...");
                // --- [ SETTINGS ] ---
                Config["Settings", "BypassInvFull"] = true;
                // --- [ COOLDOWN ] ---
                Config["Cooldown", "Enabled"] = false;
                Config["Cooldown", "Timer"] = 4;
                Config["Cooldown", "Trigger"] = 1000;
                // --- [ Dependencies ] ---
                Config["Dependencies", "PopupNotifications"] = false;
                // --- [ Messages ] ---
                Config["Messages", "Enabled"] = true;
                Config["Messages", "ItemCrafted"] = false;
                Config["Messages", "ItemFailed"] = true;
                timer.Once(10, () => GenerateItems());
            }        void GenerateItems()
                mcITEMS = ItemManager.itemList.ToDictionary(i => i.shortname);
                int loaded = 0, enabled = 0;
                foreach (var definition in mcITEMS)
                    if (definition.Value.shortname.Length >= 1)
                        CraftInfo p = null;
                        if (storedData.CraftList.TryGetValue(definition.Value.shortname, out p))
                            if (p.Enabled) { enabled++; }
                            CraftInfo z = new CraftInfo();
                            z.description = definition.Value.displayDescription.english.ToString();
                            z.displayName = definition.Value.displayName.english.ToString();
                            z.shortName = definition.Value.shortname.ToString();
                            z.MaxBulkCraft = MaxB;
                            z.MinBulkCraft = MinB;
                            z.Enabled = false;
                            storedData.CraftList.Add(definition.Value.shortname.ToString(), z);
                int inactive = loaded - enabled;
                Puts("Loaded " + loaded.ToString() + " items. (Enabled: " + enabled.ToString() + " | Inactive: " + inactive.ToString() + ").");
                Interface.GetMod().DataFileSystem.WriteObject(this.Title, storedData);
            public static Int32 UnixTimeStampUTC()
                Int32 unixTimeStamp;
                DateTime currentTime = DateTime.Now;
                DateTime zuluTime = currentTime.ToUniversalTime();
                DateTime unixEpoch = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1);
                unixTimeStamp = (Int32)(zuluTime.Subtract(unixEpoch)).TotalSeconds;
                return unixTimeStamp;
            public int InventorySlots(BasePlayer player, bool incwear = true, bool incbelt = true)
                List<Item> list = new List<Item>();
                list.AddRange(player.inventory.containerMain.itemList);                     // 24
                if (incbelt) { list.AddRange(player.inventory.containerBelt.itemList); }    // 6
                if (incwear) { list.AddRange(player.inventory.containerWear.itemList); }    // 6
                return list.Count;
            void OnPlayerDisconnected(BasePlayer player, string reason)
                if (BulkCraftCooldown.ContainsKey(player)) { BulkCraftCooldown.Remove(player); }
            List<string> ExcludeList = new List<string>()
            public int FreeInventorySlots(BasePlayer player, bool incwear = true, bool incbelt = true) { return MAX_INV_SLOTS - InventorySlots(player, false, true); }
            private Dictionary<string, ItemDefinition> mcITEMS;
            private Dictionary<BasePlayer, Int32> BulkCraftCooldown = new Dictionary<BasePlayer, Int32>();        private object OnItemCraft(ItemCraftTask task, BasePlayer crafter)
                if (permission.UserHasPermission(, ""))
                    var itemname = task.blueprint.targetItem.shortname.ToString();
                    foreach (var entry in storedData.CraftList)
                        if (entry.Value.shortName == itemname && entry.Value.Enabled && !ExcludeList.Contains(itemname))
                            if (Convert.ToBoolean(Config["Settings", "BypassInvFull"]) && InventorySlots(crafter, false, true) >= MAX_INV_SLOTS)
                                if (Convert.ToBoolean(Config["Messages", "Enabled"]) && Convert.ToBoolean(Config["Messages", "ItemFailed"])) { PrintToChatEx(crafter, Lang("InventoryFullBypass", crafter.UserIDString)); }
                                return null;
                            if (Convert.ToBoolean(Config["Cooldown", "Enabled"]))
                                if (task.amount >= Convert.ToInt32(Config["Cooldown", "Trigger"]))
                                    if (!BulkCraftCooldown.ContainsKey(crafter))
                                        BulkCraftCooldown.Add(crafter, UnixTimeStampUTC());
                                        if (UnixTimeStampUTC() - BulkCraftCooldown[crafter] >= Convert.ToInt32(Config["Cooldown", "Timer"]))
                                            BulkCraftCooldown[crafter] = UnixTimeStampUTC();
                                            if (Convert.ToBoolean(Config["Messages", "Enabled"]) && Convert.ToBoolean(Config["Messages", "ItemFailed"])) { PrintToChatEx(crafter, Lang("CooldownEnabled", crafter.UserIDString)); }
                                            return null;
                            int amount = task.amount;
                            if (amount < entry.Value.MinBulkCraft || amount > entry.Value.MaxBulkCraft) { return null; }
                            ItemDefinition item = GetItem(itemname);
                            int final_amount = task.blueprint.amountToCreate * amount;
                            var results = CalculateStacks(final_amount, item);
                            if (results.Count() > 1)
                                if (Convert.ToBoolean(Config["Settings", "BypassInvFull"]) && InventorySlots(crafter, false, true) + results.Count() >= MAX_INV_SLOTS) { if (Convert.ToBoolean(Config["Messages", "Enabled"]) && Convert.ToBoolean(Config["Messages", "ItemFailed"])) { PrintToChatEx(crafter, Lang("InventoryFullBypassStack", crafter.UserIDString, results.Count(), final_amount.ToString(), item.displayName.english)); } return null; }
                                foreach (var stack_amount in results) { SAFEGiveItem(crafter, item.itemid, (ulong)task.skinID, (int)stack_amount); }
                            else { SAFEGiveItem(crafter, item.itemid, (ulong)task.skinID, final_amount); }
                            if (Convert.ToBoolean(Config["Messages", "Enabled"]) && Convert.ToBoolean(Config["Messages", "ItemCrafted"]))
                                string returnstring = null;
                                returnstring = Lang("CraftSuccess", crafter.UserIDString, amount.ToString(), item.displayName.english.ToString(), final_amount.ToString());
                                PrintToChatEx(crafter, returnstring);
                            crafter.Command("note.inv", new object[] { item.itemid, final_amount });
                            return false;
                return null;
            private IEnumerable<int> CalculateStacks(int amount, ItemDefinition item)
                var results = Enumerable.Repeat(item.stackable, amount / item.stackable); if (amount % item.stackable > 0) { results = results.Concat(Enumerable.Repeat(amount % item.stackable, 1)); }
                return results;
            private bool SAFEGiveItem(BasePlayer player, int itemid, ulong skinid, int amount)
                Item i;
                if (!player.IsConnected) return false;
                if (skinid != 0 && SkinFromInventoryID.ContainsKey(skinid) && SkinFromInventoryID[skinid] != 0) { i = ItemManager.CreateByItemID(itemid, amount, SkinFromInventoryID[skinid]); }
                else { i = ItemManager.CreateByItemID(itemid, amount, skinid); }
                if (i != null) if (!i.MoveToContainer(player.inventory.containerMain) && !i.MoveToContainer(player.inventory.containerBelt)) { i.Drop(player.eyes.position, player.eyes.BodyForward() * 2f); }
                return true;
            Dictionary<ulong, ulong> SkinFromInventoryID = new Dictionary<ulong, ulong>();
            private void PullWorkshopIDS(int code, string response)
                if (response != null && code == 200)
                    ulong wsdl;
                    var schema = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Rust.Workshop.ItemSchema>(response);
                    foreach (var item in schema.items)
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.itemshortname)) continue;
                        if (item.workshopdownload == null) { wsdl = 0; } else { wsdl = Convert.ToUInt64(item.workshopdownload); }
                        SkinFromInventoryID.Add(item.itemdefid, wsdl);
                    Puts($"Pulled {SkinFromInventoryID.Count} skins.");
                    PrintWarning($"Failed to pull skins... Error {code}");
            private void PrintToChatEx(BasePlayer player, string result, string tcolour = "#66FF66")
                if (Convert.ToBoolean(Config["Dependencies", "PopupNotifications"]))
                    if (PopupNotifications)
                        PopupNotifications?.Call("CreatePopupNotification", "<color=" + tcolour + ">" + this.Title.ToString() + "</color>\n" + result, player);
                        Puts("Setting Dependencies : PopupNotifications to false because it's missing.");
                        Config["Dependencies", "PopupNotifications"] = false;
                        PrintToChatEx(player, result, tcolour);
                else { PrintToChat(player, "<color=\"" + tcolour + "\">[" + this.Title.ToString() + "]</color> " + result); }
            private ItemDefinition GetItem(string shortname)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(shortname) || mcITEMS == null) return null;
                ItemDefinition item;
                if (mcITEMS.TryGetValue(shortname, out item)) return item;
                return null;
      "Cooldown": {
        "Enabled": false,
        "Timer": 4,
        "Trigger": 1000
      "Dependencies": {
        "PopupNotifications": true
      "Messages": {
        "Enabled": true,
        "ItemCrafted": true,
        "ItemFailed": true
      "Settings": {
        "BypassInvFull": true
  11. yes thats the addon, what wrong with it?
  12. first one is my Cs file and seconde one is config plz can you show me were the problem is
  13. yes i dont know thats why i am asking because it doesnt want to work
  14. What's the problem? You've shown configuration and the plugin itself but it's the .data file that needs modified for it to work.