
In-game map and minimap GUI

Total Downloads: 48,853 - First Release: Sep 8, 2015 - Last Update: Dec 29, 2017

5/5, 163 likes
  1. damn, wasn't expecting there to be a patch so haven't been around >.<
    resolving issues now...
  2. Kayzor updated LustyMap with a new update entry:


  3. Hi again, thanks a lot for adding to the config the text strings. It would be amazing if you could add too the cardinal points (and the "Heading:" text), and maybe the text of the button of the /map screen. It would be nice too if you add the possibility to change the /map command.
    I know i´m asking too much but doing this would help a lot of people besides me in their servers. Thanks a lot for creating this plugin, it´s very useful.
  4. The cardinal points and heading text are in the config now (they will show up after the first time you load 1.0.20, you can then edit them and reload the plugin).
    I should of though of the close button text >.<, I shall add that now for next update & I will look into the /map command
  5. would it be possible to add the grid numbers and letters on the side with the /map
  6. Thank you very much !!! :D
  7. Seen on the servers. What made the map to be opened by pressing the "M" button!
  8. Hey everyone. I am trying to resize the simple mode minimap. I am starting from pretty much default I have just downloaded today and changed only the map url. I have perused the .json and .cs files but i'm no coder, and all the instances of 'mapsize' or 'minimap' seemed not quite what i was looking for, and also very over my head.

    Has anyone managed to resize the minimap?

    Kayzor am I missing something obvious? (i'll be the first to admit i'm a noob)
  9. I find the .json horrid to work with so I created a little class which I use for all my gui's so its understandable its not like anything you have seen before.

    Basicly your looking for the lines that start with gui.add, this is where the size of the gui is set
    gui.add("name of gui", "does it capture your mouse", "start position", "end position", "background color")

    If you have already edited the .json format previously they you are aware of how the start and end positions work. Just note due to the fact that it allows for right and left alignment a variable is used for the x axis.

    good luck!

  10. I appreciate the quick reply, and the information.

    Unfortunately try as I might, I cannot seem to get any results when I edit the variables and reload the plugin. (I am hotloading them, without restarting the server, this might be part of the problem?)

    The line I have been trying to modify is this:
    // Minimap Menu
    private void minimapHUD(BasePlayer player, bool close = false)
    // Map alignment
    float offset = 0f;
    if (!left)
    offset = 0.87f;

    // Draw GUI
    lustyGUI gui = new lustyGUI();
    gui.add("MinimapHUD", false, offset.ToString() + " 0.98", (0.13 + offset).ToString() + " 1", "0 0 0 0");
    Things i have tried are modifying the " 0.98" and " 1" values to being closer together (0.985/0.995), then modifying both number much larger and much smaller (0.5/0.55 - 10/11)

    I also tried modifying the offset value, as well as modifying the "offset.ToString()" and "(0.13 + offset).ToString() + " values.

    all of the things i tried were from original values, I would reset the file to default before changing a different variable.

    In other words, I have no idea what i'm doing, but would like to scale down the persistent (top left) mini-map by about 25-33% so its width is about equal to that of the coordinate text.

    If anyone has managed to change the size on this, I'd love to hear what you did.

  11. the minimapHUD is only for the open and close buttons (>>> & <<<), you will also need to make the same changes to the minimapGUI & minimapBackground.

    I will see about adding an option to rescale the map in the next couple of days.

  12. I think I have got it. the biggest thing that stopped me was figuring out that 'false, offset.ToString() + ' was the horizontal value. Now its just fine tuning.

    Thanks again for your help!
  13. Is anyone having an issue with the position accuracy? Players are reporting that the mini-map is showing their position incorrectly.
  14. Where are you getting your image? if you are using the map image from i know whats wrong

    If you use the basic image that they host(no monument icons or grid), aka just putting their url for the picture url, the size will be correct, yes?

    BUT if you use the picture with the monument icons and grid, then you have reports of offest? If so, download the image, and crop 50 pixels off the bottom, and off the right. then resave, rehost, and reload. that should solve it.

    the 50 pixels are the numbers for the grid.( they add it to the size instead of integrating it)
  15. I'm using the complex mode
    Complex Mode
    The complex mode allows for a zoomed in version of the minimap, but requires a fair bit of setup. (the steps for the simple mode are required as well).First take your map image and split it up into 20x20 grid. I recommend using
    Once you have your image split up (should be 400 files) you need to rename them so they match the following fotmat: map-x-z.jpeg
    e.g. map-0-0.jpeg
    and the map has no monument icons on it. The zoomed in mini-map seems to be incorrect.
  16. sorry, mate, i'm afraid I cant help you there.
  17. Im having a black spot where the map should be, after updating. May we have a new map?
  18. Mine is working fine since the update. Are you using rustio for your map? have you updated that since the update?
  19. can someone please help me with this i have my map and i use i have no clue how to get the map on my server like i dont know how to change the size of it and anything please help

    Attached Files:

    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 19, 2015
  20. I really like this plugin. I got complex mode working. If someone cold post a variable here that would make the minimap unavailable until a player makes a paper map that would be most appreciated. I'm working on it now and I'll post back if I get if figured out