
In-game map and minimap GUI

Total Downloads: 48,857 - First Release: Sep 8, 2015 - Last Update: Dec 29, 2017

5/5, 163 likes
  1. Outside of the 20x20 map the plugin tries to load non-existing files.

    The fix is to replace line 966 in LustyMap.cs with the following code:
    if((currentz + r) >= 0 && (currentz + r) <= 19 && (currentx + c) >= 0 && (currentx + c) <= 19) {
        gui.url("MinimapBG", "Map", maplink, sx + " " + sy, ex + " " + ey, "0.9");
    } else {
        gui.url("MinimapBG", "Map", mapcomplex + "blank.jpeg", sx + " " + sy, ex + " " + ey, "0.9");
    blank.jpeg is a simple jpeg with the color of the sea and attached to this post.

    Attached Files:

  2. using the url fromplay rust, but all my players are seeing as a grey box with question mark, please help
  3. @Kayzor any other way 2 add without rust io? Maybe us should make it so you type seed and it knows what seed so it shows map? Idk i cant use RustIO doe
  4. does not work with my map Rust:IO someone please start a conversation with me if u have a fix my players want all 10 of them lol
  5. fixed the grey outed map, but I cant on any of my servers display the location of towns sphere etc, im using link to rust io, does anyone no why the towns etc are not showing on the in game lusty map?
    [DOUBLEPOST=1450306393][/DOUBLEPOST]this plugin does not work when copying the link from rustio (I have 2 servers), the only way I can get this to work is by hosting a image of the map im using, then lusty will show this map and update, the problem I have then is that towns etc will not show up on the hosted map.

    RIGHT, simple fix for this and how to get your landmarks, go to rust io and find your map, screen shot it, then edit crop out all the rubbish, host it on your favourite hosting site, stick the link in the config file and guess what - you have a fully working map with landmarks - job done.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 17, 2015
  6. Hi Folks,

    I'm currently involved in a few projects. One of which is a blogging website called As a tester we decided to setup a few maps (5) which can be used for complex map setups to just see how the site runs. I would appreciate if you would use on your server so we can tweak the server etc. The post is LustyMap for Rust Oxide – 5 RootBerry Hosted Complex Maps | RootBerry. Private message me if any issues.
  7. Hello,

    I've been wondering why we have to have the map image hosted. Why can't we just have it in the Oxide server folder do away with url hosting? And if we can host the file locally, what is the correct /map argument?

    I make the following suggestion:
    /map localhost:28015 file://f:\oxide\map.jpg
  8. Code:
    [Oxide] 12:25 AM [Error] Failed to call hook 'OnTick' on plugin 'RustIO v2.7.0'
    (TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'SingletonComponent`1' from assembly 'As
    sembly-CSharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.)
    [Oxide] 12:25 AM [Debug]   at A.G.c () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.MonoMethod:InternalInvoke (ob
      at System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, BindingFlags invoke
    Attr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Global
    Plugin Work but spawn this Error
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 6, 2016
  9. People are reporting that normal players can't use /map command.
  10. The coordinates no longer show, how do i fix that? It still shows the heading but it used to show the coordinates before the last update
  11. In my case after some time mini map stops to respond on movement and if opened big map with command /map nobody can close it thru "Close map" button. Only reconnect to server helps to close big map(. Any suggestions?

    Attached Files:

  12. Ok so i have the map showing on my pc but none of the other people in my server see it. can anyone help me?
  13. What's your map URL? If it's file:// then it's wrong. You actually need to host it on a server.
  14. I'm pretty sure it's a URL I will check an tell you I'm not at home right now
    Ok it's http://localhost:28015/map.jpg
  15. That's the problem. See: localhost - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Edit: meant "That's the problem" not "What's the problem".

    More info: The image needs to be on a public web server, probably one you have to pay for. Most image hosting sites won't work, and especially if it gets reloaded a bunch by the client, as it will.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 16, 2016
  16. How can i host it on my own PC?
  17. What are the permissions for this so I could only allow VIP to use it?
  18. Hi silly question I guess

    but i want to have the image of the map in a local folder on the server (similar to sign Artist) how do i link it to this local image i have tried lots of options /map url file://localhost/D:/Share/index.jpg, /map url file:D:/Share/index.jpg, file:///D:/Share/index.jpg or is this not possible yet????
  19. i have the problem that the map won't load until the player do /map. it do auto open soo it shows in the top left corner but its just grey until they do the command, any way around that?