
In-game map and minimap GUI

Total Downloads: 48,901 - First Release: Sep 8, 2015 - Last Update: Dec 29, 2017

5/5, 163 likes
  1. Latest version: "RPC Error in CL_RecieveFile Png" when trying to open the map with a fresh install.
    Anyone found a fix for this?
  2. you need to download the plugin imagelibrary, install it, give it 2min to load stuff, then reload lustymap and it works, if not use refreshallimages console command
  3. It's a chat command. As is, it needs to be written in chat.
  4. Hi,

    My Map Registration was rejected because I failed to list a website.

    How do I re register again with all the correct info so I can get Lusty map into my server?


    [email protected]
  5. ... it will be dont save ? i must it write on every GameStart ? Why it is not started with Game, if i have AdminPermission ? ;) Its a new Idea for Update !
  6. Still having the issue with friends not showing up a lot of the time on the map, tp'ing seems to affect it but then sometimes it just doesnt show up a friend no matter what
  7. Can anyone help me pleas:

    (00:45:37) | Unable to load LustyMap. LustyMap.cs(2277,39): error CS1061: Type `Oxide.Plugins.ImageLibrary' does not contain a definition for `ImportImageData' and no extension method `ImportImageData' of type `Oxide.Plugins.ImageLibrary' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?

    (00:45:37) | Previous version of plugin failed to load: LustyMap
  8. I'm seeing everything but my custom icons/location names. Folder location did not change, png image is still there. Map says "no image found" where my markers should be. Aside from that, the update went well.
  9. I also had, reload lustymap,
    That helped
  10. I have registered 10 minutes ago, but still no approval.
  11. It takes a bit to get a response from beancan. It's normal.
  12. I try now to download the map from but when i click download only a White page Comes up.
  13. So I have managed to get it working, but only if the i open the big map with the command /map. In the big map there is no indicator of my Position. Next the minimap does not Show up. 2017-05-17.png 2017-05-17 (1).png
    (12:55:42) | [RCON][] oxide.reload LustyMap

    (12:55:42) | Plugin compilation is already queued: LustyMap (0.063 ago)

    (12:55:45) | LustyMap and ImageLibrary were compiled successfully in 2145ms

    (12:55:45) | Unloaded plugin LustyMap v2.1.2 by Kayzor / k1lly0u

    (12:55:45) | Unloaded plugin ImageLibrary v2.0.1 by Absolut & K1lly0u

    (12:55:45) | LustyMap plugin is waiting for requirements to be loaded: ImageLibrary

    (12:55:45) | Loaded plugin ImageLibrary v2.0.1 by Absolut & K1lly0u

    (12:55:45) | Calling 'OnServerInitialized' on 'ImageLibrary v2.0.1' took 368ms

    (12:55:45) | Loaded plugin LustyMap v2.1.2 by Kayzor / k1lly0u

    (12:55:45) | [LustyMap] [Warning] Validating imagery

    (12:55:45) | [LustyMap] [Warning] Icon images have not been found. Uploading images to file storage

    (12:55:45) | [ImageLibrary] Starting order LustyMap

    (12:55:45) | [LustyMap] [Warning] Attempting to contact to download your map image!

    (12:55:46) | [LustyMap] [Warning] Map generation successful! Downloading map image to file storage. Please wait!

    (12:55:46) | [LustyMap] [Warning] Attempting to split and store the complex mini-map. This may take a while, please wait!

    (12:55:46) | [LustyMap] [Warning] Map image not found in file store. Waiting for 10 seconds and trying again (Attempt: 1 / 5)

    (12:55:47) | Image batch (LustyMap) has been stored successfully

    (12:55:50) | [RCON][] status

    (12:55:50) | hostname: Roozbehs rostiger Spielplatz

    version : 1985 secure (secure mode enabled, connected to Steam3)

    map : Procedural Map

    players : 0 (26 max) (0 queued) (0 joining)

    id name ping connected addr owner violation kicks

    (12:55:56) | [LustyMap] Error whilst retrieving the map image from file storage: An exception was thrown by the type initializer for System.Drawing.GDIPlus

    If you are running linux you must install LibGDIPlus using the following line: "sudo apt install libgdiplus", then restart your system for the changes to take affect

    (12:55:56) | [LustyMap] [Error] Unable to load the map image from file storage. This may be caused by slow processing of the images being uploaded to your server. Wait for 5 minutes and reload the plugin.

    If this problem persists after multiple attempts then unload the plugin and delete your ImageData.json data file or run the 'resetmap' command

    (12:55:56) | [LustyMap] Error whilst retrieving the map image from file storage: An exception was thrown by the type initializer for System.Drawing.GDIPlus

    If you are running linux you must install LibGDIPlus using the following line: "sudo apt install libgdiplus", then restart your system for the changes to take affect

    (12:55:56) | [LustyMap] [Error] Unable to load the map image from file storage. This may be caused by slow processing of the images being uploaded to your server. Wait for 5 minutes and reload the plugin.

    If this problem persists after multiple attempts then unload the plugin and delete your ImageData.json data file or run the 'resetmap' command

    (12:55:56) | [LustyMap] Error whilst retrieving the map image from file storage: An exception was thrown by the type initializer for System.Drawing.GDIPlus

    If you are running linux you must install LibGDIPlus using the following line: "sudo apt install libgdiplus", then restart your system for the changes to take affect

    (12:55:56) | [LustyMap] [Error] Unable to load the map image from file storage. This may be caused by slow processing of the images being uploaded to your server. Wait for 5 minutes and reload the plugin.

    If this problem persists after multiple attempts then unload the plugin and delete your ImageData.json data file or run the 'resetmap' command

    (12:55:56) | [LustyMap] [Warning] Generating the main map

    (12:55:56) | [LustyMap] [Warning] Main map generated successfully!

    (12:55:56) | [LustyMap] [Warning] Generating the mini-map

    (12:55:56) | [LustyMap] [Warning] Mini map generated successfully!

    (12:56:20) | [RCON][] status

    (12:56:20) | hostname: Roozbehs rostiger Spielplatz

    version : 1985 secure (secure mode enabled, connected to Steam3)

    Attached Files:

  14. Have you tried this?
  15. Try: /marker add "name" imageName

    example exactly as I would type in chat: /marker add "Store" red
    "store" would be name on map- red would be the image name without the extension. (.jpg .png etc.)
  16. I deleted previous LustyMap and all configs, folders, and files, and upon fresh install of
    ImageLibrary for Rust v2.0.1 and LustyMap for Rust v2.1.02
    It refuses to compile, did folder locations change? I re-read the overview, pretty sure I did everything correctly...

    (13:13:09) | Unable to load LustyMap. Timed out waiting for compilation
    (13:13:09) | Previous version of plugin failed to load: LustyMap
  17. why the plugin spam console with this ? any idea

    (21:02:05) | Calling 'cmdLustyControl' on 'LustyMap v2.1.2' took 230ms

    (21:02:08) | Calling 'cmdLustyControl' on 'LustyMap v2.1.2' took 231ms
    (21:02:05) | Calling 'cmdLustyControl' on 'LustyMap v2.1.2' took 230ms

    (21:02:08) | Calling 'cmdLustyControl' on 'LustyMap v2.1.2' took 231ms