

Total Downloads: 3,131 - First Release: Jan 29, 2016 - Last Update: Jul 17, 2017

5/5, 16 likes
  1. An excellent feature indeed! I was wondering if you could post a photo of these loot chests just so we know what they look like?

    Also any way to use rcon count in console to see how many are spawned at one time? I attempted "lootchest" but it said 0
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2016
  2. They are the Storage Chests that you can craft.
  3. Code:
    rcon count chest
  4. My count says I have over 400, so does that mean it includes crafted chests too?

    Also may I suggest adding a "key modifier" similar to what loot config uses so we can determine the chances of each item dropping?
  5. I think most of the players will just take the chest away too.
  6. wow look like we have some problems that some chests of players was gone with the loot chest... need fix
  7. how can i add more locations?
  8. Really? Sounds kinda... offlimit to me haha never happened on my server.
  9. The way the destroy works makes this impossible. It only destroys the GameObjects that are created.
    You can't right now.
    Maybe in the future.
  10. Yeah, actually that would be pretty cool, to make coal 40% etc :)
  11. How do I set the box number? How to set the specified location to refresh the box?
    ChestSpawnCount Invalid modification
  12. The command don't work.

    The main problem right now is the first spawn, because after they have spawned we just need to wait the timer destroy and spawn the chests again, so if we could spawn chests manually using a command like /spawnchests would be good. After that just need to wait the time do his job destroying the chests and placing new ones.

    Testing the plugin I found that some chests aren't destroyed if the timer to add chests are smaller than the one to destroy it. Example: 30 seconds to spawn chests, 90 to destroy. so, it will add 3 times chests, but the last one will only destroy the last chests added, not the two first.
    Its possible to implement a command to destroy the added chests?

    Edit: Today I got this errors, only using LootChests and Flying plugin, home server.

    Also found a new bug, in the area near the Radioactive Ball, some chests stay in the air floating:
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 30, 2016
  13. The timer to destroy will only destroy the chests spawned from that spawn. So if you spawn 2-3 sets of chest before the first spawn timer destroys, the 2nd and 3rd set will still be there until the 2nd and 3rd timer for destroy goes off. You always want to have the destroy timer less than the respawn timer if you want them all to be gone before new ones spawn.

    That error is from someone trying to loot the chest with a full inventory. Do you have 4 items per chest?
  14. Noviets updated LootChests with a new update entry:


  15. at me the same thing, are disappearing boxes created by players
  16. Guys i have a trouble. i set spawn in 60 sec and when chest is spawning - server shut down
    i test it 3 times
  17. You might consider removing some items.
    /lootchest remove ItemID
  18. Did the change the spawn location? How many chests are you spawning?
  19. Okay what I'm trying to do is spawn boxes in multiple locations on the map not just one area. is there any way to make them spawn on different starpoints?

    "ChestSpawnCount": 6,
    "ItemsPerChest": 3,
    "MaximumRange": 50.0,
    "MessageDespawn": "<color=#ffa500>LootChests</color>: The Gates of Valhalla have closed.",
    "MessageSpawn": "<color=#ffa500>LootChests</color>: The gates of the enternal gods has opened.",
    "MininumRange": 0.0,
    "SecondsForSpawn": 40,
    "SecondsTillDestroy": 60,
    "ShowDespawnMessage": true,
    "ShowSpawnMessage": true,
    "StartPoint": "-3540.8,188.2,-3053"
    "ChestSpawnCount": 3,
    "ItemsPerChest": 4,
    "MaximumRange": 50.0,
    "MessageDespawn": "<color=#ffa500>LootChests</color>: The Gates of Valhalla have closed.",
    "MessageSpawn": "<color=#ffa500>LootChests</color>: The gates of the enternal gods has opened.",
    "MininumRange": 0.0,
    "SecondsForSpawn": 45,
    "SecondsTillDestroy": 60,
    "ShowDespawnMessage": true,
    "ShowSpawnMessage": true,
    "StartPoint": "-3400.8,193.2,-3450"

    I can get them to spawn on one location just fine but this is what I was trying to do. If you could just change the code up to what I need that be awesome or does it only work once?
  20. I'll write it into an array so you can have as many locations as you want.
    Give me a sec
    i'll fix this in my next update.