

Total Downloads: 3,131 - First Release: Jan 29, 2016 - Last Update: Jul 17, 2017

5/5, 16 likes
  1. Noviets updated LootChests with a new update entry:


    [DOUBLEPOST=1500067707][/DOUBLEPOST]I might re-write this plugin a bit if you guys are wanting to set a list of spawn points and only spawn at x amount of them, as that request seems to be fairly common.
  2. Hey m8,

    it seems that the chests do not despawn properly, at least when using weapons crates. For example, I have it set to spawn 75... but after despawn message 30 still exist. Not sure if this is a result of some only being partially looted or if it is universal.

    Edit - I have concluded this is most likely due to the fact that the weapons crate workshop mod does not get cleaned during a server restart - thus if there is weapons crates spawned at the time of the restart, it makes them permanent instead of being cleaned. In otherwords, restarts do not clean these objects as they should. And I think that is why I have been ending up with extra weapons crates.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 17, 2017
  3. Please don't use the WeaponsCrates till I am able to fix the bug with their inventory. If you use the standard chests for now you should have no issues. I'll post here once I fix the mod if you do not follow the mod on steam for those that wish to use it.

    I will however update this plugin soon to keep a list of spawns crates/boxes so that they can be despawned on server restarts.
  4. Noviets updated LootChests with a new update entry:


  5. Noviets updated LootChests with a new update entry:


    [DOUBLEPOST=1500316281][/DOUBLEPOST]There you go @CaptainNebulous
    Try the latest version and see if that fixes your lingering boxes. They should all despawn automatically now :)
  6. fyi I have not noticed any issues with their inventory. Could you elaborate on what I should look for? They seem to be populating the inventory (Two random items of the 6 I have set) fine but perhaps I am not looking hard enough for a problem on that end.
  7. Turns out it was just an issue with an older version of the server. Updating it fixed it :) So the issue was on my end and the mods are fine.
  8. Noob ;)
  9. In my defense it is 5:43AM right now :p
  10. @Noviets

    The Items perchest I change it to 4 but I stil get 1 how is that even prossible and yes I;ve reloaded it after making an change ont he config file
  11. not workk save command pls help me ./lootchests save not work! i set items and time but not save :(
  12. Hello

    Is there a way to locate where the chests are spawning and can I place them in an area by my choice. Like exact coordinates?
  13. Update please loot will not spawn
  14. Hello, I ask to update the plugin because it does not display the actions in the chat when writing the command / lootchests add 155 3, the chat does not show up, but in the data file there are resources, for earlier thanks
  15. You need to add null when you are sending a message to the player.

    For example: hurt.SendChatMessage(session, null, message);