
Send players to jail

Total Downloads: 6,925 - First Release: Jan 29, 2015 - Last Update: Oct 29, 2017

5/5, 26 likes
  1. free and jail swapped:
    [Oxide] 3:35 PM [Info] Jail Plugin: 10 cell and 1 free spawns were detected and loaded.
  2. is it possible to add on/off command so inmates give damage each others. they could have fun like deathmatch ?
  3. player are able to get to the jail somehow by looking down and while constantly walking forward, after some time several players were able to get past the border and made it to the jail house, at that point they could cause damage to the building.

    Also timers not working yet. I see it was listed as soon but same time the chat commands say optional time command
    make a tool cupboard in a hidden room
  4. Code:
    [Error] Failed to call hook 'OnEntityEnter' on plugin 'Jail' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object)
    [Debug]  at Oxide.Plugins.Jail.OnEntityEnter (.TriggerBase triggerbase, .BaseEntity entity) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.MonoMethod:InternalInvoke (object,object[],System.Exception&).
    at System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2015
  5. Hi reneb im sorry for my 2 error post last time, I'm stupid i was not used spawndatabase plugin but spawn only plugin ... :/

    All run fine now except a question that i have, when i put someone in jail with option seconds command (mean timming decrease if i good read), i alway must manually /free him because end time do not put him in the free spawn automaticaly. My question is is it normaly the jailtime not running fine? sorry too for my english
    [DOUBLEPOST=1426378699,1426297926][/DOUBLEPOST]Up? is the jail must out the player auto after coundown normaly? that not happen for me ...
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2015
  6. Hey guys nobody can answer me? when i put one in jail with a timming is normaly must he go out alone as end time?
    i explain i put me in jail with time 30 chat return show me for 30 seconds it's ok but i never go out after time!!
    in the file that show a time like this "jailtime": "1426811178", what that mean please? why the timer not free me out?
  7. Near future: - temporary jail
    - console commands

    timer has not been added, been waiting for it myself
  8. i'm sorry i'm not supporting my plugins for the moment. I'll be back in 2months.
    Maybe someone else will want to continue this plugin like mughisi did for the others, or just post some fixes or other stuff in here.
  9. Oh :/ thank i asked me why about what the plugin can add option temp in seconds and nothing happen you know, then
    in waiting for your come back :) !! Jail is a must have for punishement no followed rules as 1st exemple :p

  10. Hi Reneb,

    I love your plugins, you're doing a fantastic job, one thing I wanted to bring to your attention was the finding player to send to jail issue. I can send anyone not in a clan to jail with no problem but when someone is in clan it never finds the player, i managed eventually to send a person to jail who was in a clan using this /jail "[clan name]", when i tried using clan name and player's name it would never find I have genuinely tried all combinations and I know that the clan tag only is the only working way i find. This is problematical due too multiple people having a clan tag and you cannot choose who to send in jail, keeps sending same person. This plugin is fantastic, i would be grateful if you could implement the clans so we can use /jail "[clan] name" to send people to jail. Keep up the great work Reneb! Thank you so much, much appreciated.

    Regards J
  11. clantag or names with [ ] fuck rust, not only oxide.
    never found a way to get around that.
  12. Ok Reneb, well i guess i will use your zone manager and make another indestructible jail with no tp or suicide and tp them there hehe, thanks for the insanely fast reply!

    Regards J
  13. Reneb updated Jail with a new update entry:

    Complete rewrote, added timed jails

  14. Wooo ^-^ thank Reneb, i'm so happy to faster test it, i try that :)
    Regard Reneb
  15. not working
    [DOUBLEPOST=1428445474][/DOUBLEPOST]sett he zone confirmed and then send player to jail and says it did send but player was not sent..
    [DOUBLEPOST=1428445517][/DOUBLEPOST][Oxide] 6:27 PM [Info] No SpawnFile - You must configure your spawnfile first: /jail_config spawnfile FILENAME
    [Oxide] 6:27 PM [Info] [Logger] [Booger] GooberGrape ran chat command: /jail Burpy
    [DOUBLEPOST=1428445574][/DOUBLEPOST][Oxide] 6:28 PM [Error] Failed to call hook 'GetRandomSpawnVector3' on plugin 'Spawns Database'
    File: spawns.lua Line: 161 table index is nil:
    [DOUBLEPOST=1428446263][/DOUBLEPOST]/free PLAYER => is a empty file. seems like none of the cords are saving but I did find it saving in the ZoneManager.json file
  16. you didnt set a spawnfile ....
    that's why you get those errors =='
  17. Work perfect !! :) one thing Reneb you ask spawns meaning we can put/add more than one spawnpoint in jail? i can only put one cell at time but server console ask 1 cell meaning more maybe idk how to add more?, cause i explain it can be fine if we can add cells more than one cell i put 4 cell in my jail and it has a courtyard spawn point at time but i got cells !! :) i hope you understand if it is possible...
  18. when you create your spawn file, you can do /spawns_add multiple times yes, so you can have multiple spawnpoint for the jail yes
  19. Reneb updated Jail with a new update entry:

    should prevent using /jail on empty spawnfile

    [DOUBLEPOST=1428449830][/DOUBLEPOST]forgot to say that the plugin also support oxide permission system: "canjail" is the tag
  20. Yes? ok i go try that but then how to choose or select in what spawnpoint the user going to injail is this random or?

    Ps: for the permission system it's cool but there no really explain i found for manage the system permission to understand how to is quite complicated for my brain :/
