GUI Shop

GUI Shop based on Economics. Supports NPC

Total Downloads: 11,470 - First Release: Aug 29, 2015 - Last Update: May 3, 2018

5/5, 38 likes
  1. [Цитата="Гагарина, должность: 127916, член: 62274"]мой английский не идеален и я не правильно вас понял)
    В moam версии я добавил кнопку "1000".
    Но если вы хотите с помощью клавиши "1" выдали "1000", В строке ""командной"":"", магазин.купить {currentshop} {buyitem} 1"", исправить строку числа от 1 до 1000.
    Сейчас нет возможности проверить, но я думаю, что это будет работать. Вы можете также фиксировать и другие цифры.

    [DOUBLEPOST=1441981243][/DOUBLEPOST]Мои глаза меня не подводят?
    [DOUBLEPOST=1441981309][/DOUBLEPOST]В строке ""командной"":"", магазин.купить {currentshop} {buyitem} 1"" поменяй 1 на 1000.[/Цитата]
    остальные предметы будут выдаваться так же по 1000?
  2. X1000 everything.
    You cant do decimal numbers
  3. Need a BP added the plugin :( @Reneb
  4. how do i make it that you can sell blueprints it now says you cant sell blueprints or something like that
  5. you can't sell blueprints no. i havent made it possible yet.
  6. when are u thinking about making this would be nice to sell the ones u get alot off
  7. no ETA sorry
  8. One 2 нет, я написал строку которая отвечает за выдачу только одного предмета. Другие строки выглядят также, только в конце другое число (10, 100 и т.д.) А вообще найди меня в стиме, будет проще) Ник тот же
  9. english only please
  10. Sorry. Reneb, do you plan to add arbitrary command execution, not only on delivery of items? That would be cool
  11. ??? didn't understand
  12. for example, I write in the config instead of the name of the object ( "item": "Code Lock") any command (/tp x y z <player> and the player with money moves. Like this Zone Command but for money). I badly know English, if it is unclear I will try to explain again
    yes i guess that could be done.
  14. It would be really cool)
  15. Okay I can run a high rate server and have been using this for a while, now I want to make it so the economy is in full swing. I've been adding wood and stone etc to sell, the problem is I have 500x so the stone etc... you could get 28k stone per hit. How could I make it so they can only sell bulk stone, say 100k? And no less
  16. by clicking 100 times on sell XD?
  17. Self-modification job I guess lol
  18. yes ^^
  19. How can i move the item image a little bit to the right?


    forget it, i figured it out :D
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 20, 2015
  20. Is it possible to have more than one listing and selling price for each item? For example: a shop in the desert sells low quality fuel cheap and buys for practically nothing, where in the snowy lands the low quality fuel is extremely expensive to buy and sells for a moderate price.