
A Faction system with Leaders, Taxes, Trades, Ranks, Kill Rewards, and MORE!

Total Downloads: 2,749 - First Release: May 20, 2016 - Last Update: Oct 27, 2017

5/5, 24 likes
  1. Absolut updated Factions with a new update entry:


  2. How do I as admin assign a leader to a Faction. I can not find the menu anywhere.
  3. You need to have LeaderByAdmin enabled. If that is the case, it should be under faction management.
  4. Yep, it is enabled. But i can't find the menu to assign leaders after that. It should be under admin right?
  5. Hi, What is the area of fractions and how it works?
  6. Any idea on this :
    How to see messages in console when "Use_FactionChatControl": is on true ? :/
  7. The Faction Zones are just visual representations; I never really added any functionality : /
    If you want to see all in faction chat add this line:

    Puts($"{player.displayName}: {message}");

    in the code in the place shown below...

    It should output all messages to console. (untested but I did something similar in the past)
  8. and could you make the seizure of the area using fractions? Let's build a fortress, adding to the NPC faction ATTAC NPC kills and authorizes in an Enclosure tools thereby capturing a given area, or simply destroying this fortress, lower fortress = less area, a large fortress a large area, we can give rate bonus players factions whose territory, and reduction in rate to those players who are on the territory of a foreign faction, also allow other factions bedraggled by the outpost let apply for the siege, as it happens in MMO, I think it would be great
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 24, 2016
  9. Korven, I am struggling to understand. I'm sorry.

    From what I have gathered you want to allow Faction Zones to be "captured" by a difference Faction? I have thought about this issue alot and have never found a good method of tracking what requires capturing... (Tool cupboards?; zone occupancy built percentage?; none seem to fit the build).

    You also want gather bonuses for faction members within the faction zone? This could be done pretty easily.

    I think you want a way for the Faction zone to grow with influence?.. Not sure what would trigger that. I have talked about counting entities built but players would then build a ton of hovels to make the zone bigger?

    I just dont really want to add to this mod anymore, it is already a hot mess.

    Try to explain more clearly what you want and I can see what I can do.


  10. Doesn't work :(
    Tried to unload/reload Factions, restart serv, restart Rustadmin, and no Factions messages in console :/
  11. Send me your copy.
  12. I don't have the leader mangement button. Leader selected by admin is turned on in options
  13. Absolut updated Factions with a new update entry:


  14. 1. Yes you correctly understood, there is a plug-in changing the action area of the Tool cupboards, will allow having changed it with 50 (by default) to 100 or 200 meters of radius, will allow only the players of fractions who took this Tool cupboards in this territory and to receive a bonus from production of resources. It is possible to make not destroyed fortresses and not destroyed case, it is possible to destroy only doors and in time the fortresses permitting to attack.

    2. Great.

    3. I suggest to make not destroyed fortresses and without an opportunity to construct them more, static fortresses on the card with a possibility of installation of the doors after annexation of territory.

  15. Korven great suggestions!

    Here is what I am going to do. This was my first mod; and since I feel I have grown considerably in writing them. I am in the process of releasing two new mods that are much better written..

    What I'd like to do is take this concept to a fresh mod. I will import much of the functionality I like from Factions but likely break it into modules.

    So I will probably call it something new and then have dependency mods that handle each of the different functions; Taxes would be a separate mod, battle zones, trade skills, leader challenges, etc.

    So keep a look out and I will hopefully have something in the near future.
  16. Thanks for the answer
  17. Thanks for fixing the leader problem :)
  18. Would it be possible for players to create their own factions without me interfering?

    Id really like a cross between this plugin and the Clan plugin.

    Everyone starts as a normal player, someone creates a faction (or clan) and they invite others to join.

    The taxation, lusty and auto auth all still being an option.


    you should create a new plugin called "factions - light" hehehe<3
  19. Im actually remaking this entire thing. I am going to make different elements into modules. I like the idea; let me see what I can do!
  20. Cheers Maximus,

    I've just replied to your PM regarding TrollTax too.

    Let me know if i can help out with anything,