Explosives Modifier

Allows you to modify explosive damage and radius

Total Downloads: 2,889 - First Release: Mar 6, 2015 - Last Update: May 3, 2017

4.7/5, 10 likes
  1. that last one worked for me
    ty so much
  2. Anyone have a version of this plugin that changes timed explosive damage to a flat 250 across all structure tiers?
  3. Explosive Bullets are C4, If you change the Explosive Bullets to 10%, the C4 changes to 10% also. And the Explosve Charge section doesn't work since the C4 is controlled bij the bullets.
  4. Are you using the version on page 7?
  6. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    No, just reload the plugin. Also, please do not post all in caps.
  7. as I do that the walls are broken c4 5 instead of 3
  8. Are you using the version on page 7?
  9. if, help me please
  10. I realise now I am mixing up my plugins and posted this question to the wrong developer. Please delete this post :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 3, 2016
  11. This has stopped working post wipe update for me, do you have any advice?

    The plugin loads it just doesnt affect the damage
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 10, 2016
  12. [12/06/2016 16:00:54] [Oxide] 15:59 [Error] Error while compiling ExplosivesModifier.cs(331,46): error CS1061: Type `string[]' does not contain a definition for `Contains' and no extension method `Contains' of type `string[]' could be found. Are you missing `System.Linq' or `Oxide.Core' or `UnityEngine' or `Facepunch.Extend' using directive?

    how to fix ?
  13. I'm getting the same error.

    Edit: Thank You Calytic for fixing it.

    Here's the fix.
  14. I am was trying for (/explosivedamage ammo.rocket.hv 150) any chance this could be in a future update? Or if you know of a way to do this in another plugin please share i would be grateful.
  15. Update the plugin, it does not work!
  16. Is there a configuration for configuring the time needed to explode?

    For example, I want a ballistic rocket, which goes up and then falls down, and explodes on contact.
  17. The new update for the plugin is not reading the damage.
  18. It's also not making anything sticky :)
  19. The version above these posts still works. :)