
Car spawner with added features

Total Downloads: 4,966 - First Release: Nov 7, 2017 - Last Update: Nov 7, 2017

5/5, 12 likes
  1. i cant remove cars :(
  2. same

    ent.kill works fine though
  3. I am getting this error "[CarCommanderLite] Spawns Database can not be found! Unable to autospawn cars"
    how can I fix that?
  4. Our Player can buy Cars via the GUIShop but the Cars
    will be deleted after the restart and be replaced by those from Rust (no health Bar)

    Already put the right Command:

    "Car": {
          "buy": "10000",
          "img": "",
          "cmd": ["spawncar $ save"],
          "sell": "0"
    Any sulution?
  5. Is this still maintained? I can't even get it to work at all. No commands are working.
  6. "cmd": ["spawncar $player.x $player.y $player.z save"], Spawned on my head but worked. Only the car wasn't saved after restart.
  7. For the auto spawn option. Should he create spawn before or the plugin does it alone?
  8. Sorry to ask this question here, but someone would know how to spawn a car with the command "spawn sedan" but specifying a coordinate?
    Thank you and still sorry ^^
    @Wulf don't kick my ass :p
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 6, 2018
  9. why everyone can drive car but they have no permission???
  10. how did you spawn your cars ?
  11. everytime i spawn cars my server framerate hits the deck, but only since the facepunch update
  12. Failed to find dismount position for player <user name> /<SteamID> on obj : assets/content/vehicles/sedan_a/sedantest.entity.prefab
    Killing player due to invalid dismount point :<user name> / <SteamID> on obj : assets/prefabs/vehicle/seats/passenger.prefab

    after last patch (on car spawned before restart)
  13. ZLO


    how to fix suicid on dismount car?:(
  14. Got the same issue. Wait and see the next version of Rust i think.
    I will test to clear saved cars, and make a new file. Hope it works
  15. Can you add this one?

  16. looks like you have to give your self permission "carcommanderlite.use" after iv done that looks good,no more suicide ) don't forget to give default group permission to give it to others ) hope this helps
  17. like this:
    spawn sedan "512,24.9,108.1"
  18. players without the permission .use can drive cars.
  19. (08:41:19) | Permission 'carcommander.canspawn' doesn't exist
    [DOUBLEPOST=1526798757][/DOUBLEPOST]The plugin should create automatic spawn around the map. It would be great thank you
  20. ZLO

