

Total Downloads: 41,380 - First Release: Nov 15, 2015 - Last Update: Jul 22, 2018

5/5, 127 likes
  1. idk russian man :( sorry
  2. Would be great without the crafting...
  3. Just comment some code, dude
  4. Hi there. With this mod if I understand correctly you lose xp when you die.
    If so you may want to add a check to see if player is in an event (eventmanager mod) or possible within a zone designed for deathmatchs, that way players will not be penalized from dying so often.

    You could make that feature adjustable in config to be on or off (true/false), I say this as eventmanager just created a way to check his mod and wulf has made a way to check if player is lootable (zonemanager) for his mod robbery.
  5. Added this task to TODO :)
  6. Thank you so much.
  7. PercentLostOnDeath don't work.
  8. It does, but it works a bit differently
  9. i want same thing too..

    like feature to disable some skills...
  10. Its on my list :) will do when I'll find more free time! :)
  11. waiting this one

    thanks for your hard working !
  12. Crafting should be for bulk crafting making it craft more at once as most modded servers have instant craft. I want to use it as I use limebench for bulk but wish I could change how it works. So maybe craft 1 then as you level up can bulk 2 3 5 at once.
  13. hi !
    Thank you for the great job :)
    I just have a problem, when the gui is open i can't do anything in my main inventory! I have to disable it with de /statsui .
    Can you help me find the problem ?? Thx :)
  14. I don't have this problem, anyone can confirm this problem?
    what do you mean?
  15. Bulk craft/multicraft ... like lets say gunpowder makes it craft 2 or more together instantly as most modded servers already have instant craft
  16. My plugin has that, it works when u craft 10+ items.
  17. Oh ok will retest it thanks
  18. Any way I can disable a specific one, reason being is I want to remove crafting as my server has insta-craft installed
  19. That feature is in the works.
  20. I like this levelling mod very much! Would you consider adding optional skills like bullet resistance that grows every time player gets shot or bite resistance every time player gets bitten by animals? I'm sure they'd use caps like the crafting level.