Radtown Animals

Spawns animals and npcs at designated monuments

Total Downloads: 6,879 - First Release: Dec 25, 2015 - Last Update: Dec 29, 2017

5/5, 18 likes
  1. My compiler log says the below error since the rust update today.

    RadtownAnimals.cs(12,22): warning CS0414: The private field `Oxide.Plugins.RadtownAnimals.Changed' is assigned but its value is never used
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 22, 2016
  2. Bounty for eveyone who finds the error ;)
  3. I got this error when enabling some of the monuments

    (12:50:01) | [Oxide] 21:50 [Error] RadtownAnimals.cs(343,30): error CS0122: `NPCSteering.Move(UnityEngine.Vector3, UnityEngine.Vector3, NPCSpeed)' is inaccessible due to its protection level
  4. Update the plugin
  5. figured I'd do that after I posted. :) It works now. Thanks.
  6. I believe i am running the latest version of the plugin
    25 "RadtownAnimals" (0.2.1) by k1lly0u (0.63s)
    But get this message spamming the console since the last game update (which seems to have fried a lot of plugins) . i have to use the command to kill all the animals.

    ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null. Parameter name: key
    System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[SpawnPopulation,System.Int32].ContainsKey (.SpawnPopulation key) SpawnHandler.RemoveInstance (.Spawnable spawnable) Spawnable.Remove () Spawnable.OnDisable () UnityEngine.GameObject:SetActive(Boolean) Oxide.Plugins.RAController:FixedUpdate()

    [RCON] Auth:
    [RCON][] ra_killall
    [Oxide] 13:36 [Info] [RadtownAnimals] <color=orange>RadtownAnimals</color> : Killed all animals

    Is there anything wrong with the config ? (i copied and edited it from your "overview" page as my config cfg file was blank (?) )
    It checks out ok with json validator,

    Attached Files:

  7. The argument null is a rust error that comes about when spawning animals, resources etc but hasn't seemed to affect the spawns. Are you having any issues with the animals spawning?
  8. not so far but cannot get anything else on the console due to the spammed error message
  9. Yeah, I've looked into it but couldn't find a fix from my end, I guess we will either have to wait for FP to fix it, or another coder with more skills then myself :p In the meantime you can probably filter out the error messages with this -> FilterExt for Rust | Oxide <- I haven't tried it though
  10. i just add the plugin and changed the spawn and number of animals every where and not getting a erro but no animales are spawning what can i do
      "a_Options": {
        "RespawnTimer": 5,
        "SpawnSpread": 100.0,
        "TotalMaximumAmount": 100
      "Airfield": {
        "AnimalCounts": {
          "Bears": 0,
          "Boars": 5,
          "Chickens": 5,
          "Horses": 2,
          "Stags": 2,
          "Wolfs": 0
        "Enabled": true
      "Lighthouses": {
        "AnimalCounts": {
          "Bears": 5,
          "Boars": 0,
          "Chickens": 0,
          "Horses": 0,
          "Stags": 0,
          "Wolfs": 5
        "Enabled": true
      "MilitaryTunnels": {
        "AnimalCounts": {
          "Bears": 6,
          "Boars": 0,
          "Chickens": 0,
          "Horses": 0,
          "Stags": 0,
          "Wolfs": 6
        "Enabled": true
      "Powerplant": {
        "AnimalCounts": {
          "Bears": 4,
          "Boars": 3,
          "Chickens": 2,
          "Horses": 2,
          "Stags": 2,
          "Wolfs": 4
        "Enabled": true
      "Radtowns": {
        "AnimalCounts": {
          "Bears": 3,
          "Boars": 2,
          "Chickens": 0,
          "Horses": 0,
          "Stags": 0,
          "Wolfs": 4
        "Enabled": true
      "Satellite": {
        "AnimalCounts": {
          "Bears": 5,
          "Boars": 4,
          "Chickens": 0,
          "Horses": 0,
          "Stags": 0,
          "Wolfs": 5
        "Enabled": false
      "SphereTank": {
        "AnimalCounts": {
          "Bears": 5,
          "Boars": 0,
          "Chickens": 0,
          "Horses": 0,
          "Stags": 0,
          "Wolfs": 3
        "Enabled": true
      "Trainyard": {
        "AnimalCounts": {
          "Bears": 0,
          "Boars": 3,
          "Chickens": 3,
          "Horses": 3,
          "Stags": 3,
          "Wolfs": 0
        "Enabled": true
      "Warehouses": {
        "AnimalCounts": {
          "Bears": 0,
          "Boars": 0,
          "Chickens": 0,
          "Horses": 0,
          "Stags": 0,
          "Wolfs": 0
        "Enabled": false
      "WaterTreatmentPlant": {
        "AnimalCounts": {
          "Bears": 3,
          "Boars": 3,
          "Chickens": 3,
          "Horses": 3,
          "Stags": 3,
          "Wolfs": 3
        "Enabled": true
  11. I get this with 0.2.1:

    Failed to call hook 'OnServerInitialized' on plugin 'RadtownAnimals v0.2.1' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object)
  12. My animals spawn but make their way to water and just run in circles, for some reason I don't get any other animals on my server apart form the ones using this script. Any ideas?
  13. plugin not work
  14. Had a bit of an accident with bears.

  15. This, and many other plugins need an update with the latest rust update, completely unworking atm
  16. no errors but not animals either,
  17. Want to run a debug version and send me the results? Everything is working as it should on my test server
  18. what is a debug version ?
  19. Code:
    [08/19/2016 03:28:02] [Oxide] 03:27 [Error] Error while compiling RadtownAnimals.cs(217,20): error CS1501: No overload for method `Spawn' takes `1' arguments
    last update
  20. Fix removed I done as coder has updated the plugin
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 19, 2016