Radtown Animals

Spawns animals and npcs at designated monuments

Total Downloads: 6,879 - First Release: Dec 25, 2015 - Last Update: Dec 29, 2017

5/5, 18 likes
  1. @k1lly0u: it seems to me that parameter "Maximum Amount (per monument)" does not work: I have value 5, but there are a larger number of animals in any RT (~10).
  2. running into this error with update:

    Oxide] 9:17 PM [Error] Failed to run a 900.00 timer in 'RadtownAnimals v0.1.2' (NullReferenceException: )
    [Oxide] 9:17 PM [Debug] at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.GameObject:get_transform ()
    at Oxide.Plugins.RadtownAnimals.spawnAnimal (UnityEngine.GameObject monument, System.String animalType) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at Oxide.Plugins.RadtownAnimals+<OnEntityDeath>c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0 () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at Oxide.Core.Libraries.Timer+TimerInstance.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  3. Seems to be fine for me, though I will do some further testing
    It is still is working for me. I tried a bunch of different things to try and recreate the error but come up with nothing. If you can find out what is happening when the error occurs I can look into it further
  4. Have the same problem, Loot not spawning when the animal is, have tryde alot to get it do it anyway, but no good result,
  5. @k1lly0u
    is possible

    add zone?
    animal spawn?

  6. Having passed through the object bears(๑´•.̫ • `๑)
  7. After this past wipe even have all radtown set to true I do not have any animals in more then half of the town. Is there a quick fix out there?
  8. k1lly0u updated Radtown Animals with a new update entry:


  9. Does this work on the procedural maps?
  10. Yes it does
  11. The same issue here. All bears and wolves are become insane and moves faster then helicopter.
  12. Horses walk backwards, bears attack sideways and wolves move at lighting speed. But you know what, I don't care. We've travelled across the map north and south and until I installed this plugin we hadn't seen anything living to kill for almost a week.
  13. plugin works great , i do have it set for wolves to spawn but get bears as well, the sight of a bear running towards you like a greyhound really sparks up the game :)
  14. I don't know why it does that, it never did it originally and it doesn't assign any kind of behavior to the animals, it just spawns them like any other plugin. Some form of animal control to stop them acting spastic is on the to-do list though
  15. definitely a game engine thing as it was doing it before I installed this plugin.
  16. animals have been running sideways up mountains for over six months, got worse when they updated radtowns and monuments to new graphics, I have been killed while standing on the top of a hill by a wolf coming up through the ground and killing me, and that was before i installed this plugin,
    its a game thing, they fixed the bears and wolves walking through walls a long time ago but it keeps coming back, just remember to never sleep on the ground floor :)
  17. dear guys,

    I try to fix my config file, so rad townanimal plugin will add Wolves AND bears, but it only seems to add wolves :(
    can anyone tell me how te add this in the config?

    "Options - Animals - Animal count (per monument)": 5,
    "Options - Animals - Animal type": "bear",
    "Options - Animals - Distance away before animal respawns": 100,
    "Options - Animals - Maximum Amount": 50,
    "Options - Animals - Maximum Amount (per monument)": 5,
    "Options - Animals - Maximum Amount (total)": 50,
    "Options - Animals - Maximum distance from monument": 100,
    "Options - Animals - Spawn Bears": true,
    "Options - Animals - Spawn Boars": false,
    "Options - Animals - Spawn Chickens": false,
    "Options - Animals - Spawn Horses": false,
    "Options - Animals - Spawn spread": 20.0,
    "Options - Animals - Spawn Stags": false,
    "Options - Animals - Spawn Wolfs": true,
    "Options - Spawnpoints - Spread": 20.0,
    "Options - Spawns - Airfield": true,
    "Options - Spawns - Lighthouses": false,
    "Options - Spawns - Powerplant": true,
    "Options - Spawns - Rad-towns": true,
    "Options - Spawns - Satellite": true,
    "Options - Spawns - Sphere Tank": true,
    "Options - Spawns - Trainyard": true,
    "Options - Spawns - Warehouses": false,
    "Options - Spawns - Water Treatment Plant": true,
    "Options - Timers - Distance check timer (minutes)": 1.0,
    "Options - Timers - Respawn (minutes)": 1.0

    Iff I make a new line with "Options - Animals - Animal type": "wolf", it will automaticly remove the bear line and change it to wolf :(

    This is the defaulth file , with some things put on for tests. Only wolfs appearing:

    "Options - Animals - Animal count (per monument)": 5,
    "Options - Animals - Animal type": "wolf",
    "Options - Animals - Distance away before animal respawns": 100,
    "Options - Animals - Maximum Amount": 50,
    "Options - Animals - Spawn spread": 20.0,
    "Options - Spawns - Airfield": true,
    "Options - Spawns - Lighthouses": false,
    "Options - Spawns - Powerplant": true,
    "Options - Spawns - Rad-towns": true,
    "Options - Spawns - Satellite": true,
    "Options - Spawns - Sphere Tank": true,
    "Options - Spawns - Trainyard": true,
    "Options - Spawns - Warehouses": false,
    "Options - Spawns - Water Treatment Plant": true,
    "Options - Timers - Distance check timer (minutes)": 5.0,
    "Options - Timers - Respawn (minutes)": 10.0
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 21, 2016
  18. try to paste the config from overvieuw in stead of the defaulth config, but it keeps adding the animal type line.
    The multiple animal spawn does not work for me, it only spawns the type in config.

    Note: We use a Multiplay Clanforge server
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 21, 2016
  19. So do I and i have found that it spawns bears and wolves even though I have set it to wolves,
  20. there a way we can add animals to Military Tunnel. It not found in config file