1. Yes, sorry, I'm always lacking info that's needed. =/
  2. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Just up the min and max numbers in the generated config.
  3. Hello my friends i need edited mega loot config. I tried so much to edit loot_table.txt but i didn't do it well. Please just send me an edited config. I know just need to do up min and max but i couldn't.
  4. Same here I am having problems understanding how the whole loot table works.. if someone already has one and would share can I please get a copy?
  5. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Did you read the Overview page?
  6. Why no one sharing ? We tried to do but we didn't just help or say "We will not help". Our english not good like yours we don't understand some parts in the Overviews
  7. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    I haven't used this plugin in nearly a year, and I don't really have time to try and customize configs for everyone who asks. If you hope to use it and understand it, the best thing you can do is to try customizing it carefully and doing your best with the information provided. The author doesn't really support this plugin anymore and most people don't support Rust Legacy anymore either. There are also plenty of examples of custom configs: http://oxidemod.org/resources/categories/configurations.16/.
  8. reread it and kind of understand it now, i've just been playing around with it to try and understand it better
  9. Really need the table to drop was a lot (Mega loot server)
  10. I would also like to have this since I am not very good scripting and I would like to have a Mega loot Table. Thanks to everyone.
  11. Hey,
    I could use some help with spawn list
    i want my server to drop super loot like m4 like rarely a supply signal and other stuff i dont know how?
    could someone make me a loot_tables.txt or tell me how to do it?
  12. IF you dont know how to edit the tables either learn it by messing around with all the things, Or use/expand off a pre-made on in the config section
    Also read what others have said, Alot of people would be unwilling unless given incentive to help out someone with a config like that, We simply dont have time.
  13. hi i have a problem. wen i kill a mutan bear no drop! bag

    Attached Files:

  14. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    That is not a config for this plugin, that is from Resource Manager.
  15. Hello,

    On my rust server i've installed Loot_Tables but it's not working correctly for me. I want to change how many drops (red) animals can drop but it doesn't seem to change. I've learned that i have to change the AIL drops. Is that right or do i have to change something else to get the animaldrops to min 1 max 3?

    Loot_Tables config:



  16. Can any one help me? im not sure how to do any of this. can any one edit it and to make it so everything is like x3 loot? or try and explain how to do it? thank you
  17. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    The best explanation is on the overview page. http://oxidemod.org/resources/loot-spawn-lists.5/
  18. okay i think i figureed out how it works. so the weight is like % that, that item will spawn in that creat/ bag from rad animal and the max and min is how much of that will item will be there. or can you explain what the weight and max/min is?
  19. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    That is pretty much it.