1. Hey there

    Can some one help me plz,
    I Custom the Config,
    And I turn the m4 Weight on 15.0
    But im looting the hole time but i dont find any Guns or something can some one help me,
    Or can someone Make a x5 for me i will pay for it,

    Have a Great day,
  2. Hi, I have got the plugin working fine but the weird thing is when I reboot the server the loot goes to normal Oxide Loot except the bears and Animals but after you have waited awhile for the loot to respawn it loot is modified and is like what I have set in the Loot Spawn lists. How do I set it up so when my server reboots it loads before the normal Oxide Loot because I have seen on some other servers they have did it.
  3. Last edited by a moderator: Oct 28, 2016
  4. Looks like it isn't working. Our Server can take up to 5 minutes some times to boot up because there is so much stuff on it. Do you know what I can do?
  5. I need a mega loot config i can not configure
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 30, 2016
    • "min" - The minimum amount of packages to spawn in a drop
    • "max" - The maximum amount of packages to spawn in a drop
    • "oneofeach" - One of each package will be dropped. You should probably set "min" and "max" to the number of packages.
    • "nodupes" - No package will be dropped twice in a single spawn.
    I could not understand sorry...
    What do you do to not drop more than 1 item per spawn?
    And how to reduce the amount that will fall to just 2 or 1?
    And how to make an item not spawn?