
Create additional custom spawn points for loot boxes of your choosing

Total Downloads: 10,277 - First Release: Jan 21, 2016 - Last Update: Jul 6, 2018

5/5, 23 likes
  1. Cool , thanks for the quick fix . It was very important to me .
  2. add boxes, drop-down helicopter
  3. I cannot, for the life of me, (even following the example prompts) "/cls create testbox 15" get any results for custom loot spawns. The boxes and locations works great for random loot, but, I get a blank when I try to add a custom one. I also get a prompt telling me I "put nothing in the box," when I spawn the said box ## down, say, /cls add 15, and put things in it - taking out the random loot first naturally.

    Is this still not compatible with BetterLoot? Is there any way to edit the data file, from saying "null" to saying the gear you'd like spawned in the box?
  4. i got a problem with the plugin ....
    I m admin on the server and moderator and when i tried /cls the plugin aswer :
    you do not have persmission to use this command
    when i try the command customlootspawns.admin it says :
    invalid command

    when i try to change de spawn time nothing change :x
    [DOUBLEPOST=1472056266][/DOUBLEPOST]it's ok i used grant user to add me in customlootspawns.admin as it said in the previous message
  5. I get that message everytime i wipe my spawns

    Attached Files:

  6. +1..I can't place custom loot boxes on floors.
    Foundations or solid ground only.
  7. Hi! This Plugin is great to make the Towns on my Server more interesting, together with HumanNPCs guarding them - awesome :)
    My Question: The last fiew LootBoxes (id 22-25) are empty, how can i put Loot in them?
  8. HI Trusty,
    /cls add is for custom placement of existing boxes, some of which spawn loot and some of which are empty skins.

    /cls create is for creating custom boxes with custom content.

    For example, I have a large green med skin crate which gives 5 medkits and 5 syringes. It's in my arena.

    From v0.1.2 update notes -
    - "/cls create BOXNAME ID"
    -- BOXNAME is whatever you want to name your box
    -- ID is the type of box, select a box type from "/cls boxes"
    The box will spawn and you can place your items inside, once closed it will save and you can add it like any other box, using its ID
  9. thank you very much :) i got close there before. now i noticed, for me it only works on the ground, not inside my (copy-pasted) adminbase :p
    great stuff here :D
  10. yeah, the custom content boxes are a bit glitchy - you'll find that they do actually place, but a floor (or more) below.

    I managed to place a box on 2nd floor (pasted building) eventually by juggling whether or not there was floors/foundations on the level below.

    I can't remember the specifics but have a play - remove/add floors directly below where you're placing.
    When it finally places in the right place, get your loot into it and exit the box, then go around fixing/replacing/removing your crutches.

    Maybe it's something K1lly0u can look at, in time.
    He seems to be a busy busy man. ;)
  11. Creating the boxes must be done on the ground but afaik adding spawns will place them where ever you are looking?
  12. Just to be sure, are we talking about the same thing?

    If you try to create a custom box on a floor rather than foundation, the box will appear on the foundation (or ground if there isn't one) below.

    As I say, I eventually managed to get it where I wanted it - The issue seems sporadic.

    (P.S. -Just saw the new EM tonight man. Looks incredible! - Going to test locally ASAP - Thank you!!!)
  13. For some reason the loot boxes I spawned never despawn, and as soon as a player empties them and closes the inventory, another one with fresh loot spawns... I have the timer for respawn set to 60.
  14. I had that happen with a c4 box one time.
    Never found out why. Dumb luck I even found out it was happening.
  15. Its happening with every box I spawn.
  16. I'd uninstall the plug, wipe data, wipe configs, then reinstall.

    But what do I know? ;)
  17. Hey guys,
    Is there any possibility of having an option to use BetterLoot tables instead of vanilla?

    I'd like to place some random boxes at custom landmarks and have them spawn random loot, subject to my BetterLoot tables.
  18. I stopped using this plugin due to that issue. I checked all conflicting plugins and I disabled all plugins that could interfere with this one, yet I still have this issue. As soon as someone can reply and get me a fix, I will use this plugin again. I posted about a month ago asking the same thing but never got a response.
  19. Hi
    Some problem with C4 boxes, when they respawn. Its empty.