
Build, spawn, plant, upgrade, deploy anything the way that you want it.

Total Downloads: 21,156 - First Release: Nov 8, 2014 - Last Update: Jul 26, 2018

4.9/5, 50 likes
  1. no you cannot spawn it you may think about the plane crash plugin to 30$ at caoscode
  2. Is it maybe possible to include the half wall and wall frame in the build plugin?
  3. Is the animal spawn portion of this plugin working? I have all my permissions correct, but can't spawn any animals. Any thoughts?
  4. Besides typing /plant and then some number like 126 to figuer out what I get this time after each Wipe. Is there somewhere I can go to get AN UPDATED list of the new numbers and what they spawn. Or do I continue to play a Guessing game and type in numbers until I find what the number is for the item I want????And keep going until I find it. Is there no one that keeps track or has an on going updated list?? I would really like to know where I can go to find out after EACH WIPE. Because some numbers change......Often! Thanks for any answers out there.
  5. use this PrefabSniffer for Rust | Oxide install and type in console
    prefab build
    and u get a new list in your oxide/logs path
  6. or use this

    Attached Files:

  7. You'd think after as many years as RUST has been in DEV they would allow you to scroll up and see more when doing a readout... shame. This used to be a one stop plugin that did everything I needed. Now I can't hardly use it anymore because it's either broken or missing parts that used to be amazing.
  8. Thanks for all the post and help! I wanted to ask.. Is there a way to place walls,floors,etc. Even when there is an obstacle in place.. Like through a wall in an Arena? Etc?
  9. /build foundation /build foundation.triangle /build floor /build floor.triangle /build wall /build wall.doorway /build wall.low .build wall.half /build wall.window /build wall.frame you can also use /spawn with any of this u could do /spawn foundation 2 to place foundation at a height of 2 u can also go negative on that number also I recomend if ur spawning in the sky to use zone manager with setting nostability true
  10. When i type anything (example : /build foundation 0 4 ) and i right click i does nothing ?
  11. thats because your typing it wrong hehe

    /build foundation grade 1,2,3,4 then if you want to make it higher or lower its height 1.0 or what height you want so

    /build foundation grade 4 height 1.0
  12. I bet he first need to spawn his first foundation
  13. Im getting nothing in my list for animals
  14. Thanks for sharing that. I was about to go through each number 1-299 because I could only find 300+ on the helpfile list.

    AlsoThanks to the writer of this plugin.
  15. assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/resource/ores/metal-ore.prefab (UnityEngine.GameObject) has no population - should be removed

    I spawn with /plant ID something and with the restart its delet from server. Can i fix it?
  16. Hey Reneb,
    Got an issue with assets disappearing. More specifically, Trees.
    Attempted twice since Thursday's wipe to outline a perimeter with Trees (more specifically /plant 59*60*61
    Did all the usually suspects writecfg etc and woke this morning to the entire drop of trees gone,again.
    Is there a limitation to how much can be spawned , is this why they are disappearing?

    Thanks for any help man
  17. I'm not Reneb, but I remember something like that from years ago :p
    You should try to remove trees with the admin tool, plant trees, and after that refill map

    Not sure if this still works, but worked in the past.
  18. alot of items can not be deployed or built im trying to do barricade.stone it wont work for me
  19. This plugin keeps crashing my server.
  20. Then you have tried to spawn the wrong thing I suppose.