
Utility for managing vending machines

Total Downloads: 1,957 - First Release: Feb 17, 2017 - Last Update: Apr 5, 2018

5/5, 9 likes
  1. Was there a resolve to the 500 Health issue?


    Nevermind I changed the health in the config file from 500 to 1000.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 12, 2017
  2. Hi, have you found a solution to integrate ServerRewards?
  3. Is there are way for the IDs on the vending machines to be changed and/or for the config file to automatically delete vending machines that no longer exist?
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 20, 2017
  4. Sorry, I haven't gotten around to this yet. I suspect that in order to properly implement ServerRewards I think I'll need to rewrite and retest the entire transaction payment handling process (which I just haven't taken the time to do yet). I'll look into this now and maybe I'll be able to fire out an update in a few days (fingers crossed).
    I wouldn't recommend changing the IDs. But I agree that it would make sense if nonexistent vending machines were removed from the data files (I'll add this to my list and include it with the next update).
  5. Double fingers crossed :)
  6. ignignokt84 updated VendingManager with a new update entry:


  7. do we have a vid on how this works can i blacklist items from being put in the vms like c4 and dose this work with all vms or is it just via a cmd
  8. There is no video - all of the usage details are on the plugin overview, which I'd recommend reading. There is no item blacklist. This plugin can be used for any VM, but by default only admins have access to chat commands (but permissions exist to give access to other players). The flags are applied to individual vending machines though - there's no way to apply them globally.
  9. how would i set it to use econ coins i cannot figure this out it states my balance and what it cost to buy but dose not take any coins
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 24, 2017
  10. Please read the overview - Economics/ServerRewards integration is explained.
  11. i am doing but i really dont understand it :D

    ok i figured it out i had to enable Bottomless flag so it would work and take coins
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 24, 2017
  12. Setting a vm with bottomless with the new BP's makes them not work. I am assuming it's because of the way the BP's have been implemented so no fix till they fix them maybe
  13. ignignokt84 updated VendingManager with a new update entry:


    FYI, if you're buying from your own vending machine the Econ $ won't transfer since it'd basically be transferred from you to yourself. ;)
  14. hiya is there anyway to add a skin id so when you buy from the vendors you can have a set skin ?
  15. Probably not, at least not easily. I'll dig into this idea a little bit just to see, but I assume this would have to be something Facepunch implements, since there's currently no way to select a skin when you are setting up orders.
  16. ahh right its only cuz im making a event arena and i want a few vendors up with team a colors and team b colors i can add a skinned item in but when buyiing they go default colors Screenshot
  17. How did you add the skinned item? The way vending machines are now, the skin ID isn't even saved in the order. Off the top of my head, there's no easy way around this except for Facepunch to add skin support. It seems like it'd be something they'd add, but FP never seems to have much of a logical order regarding what they decide to release.
  18. i used /skin then set the vendor up moved the item in then buy them but it wont save the skin when buying it default them bk to there orig skin
  19. Ok, so you just set up a normal sell order, then just added a skinned version of the same item to the vm loot container?
  20. yup i did then i added the bottomless flag so they dont remove from the vendor and it removes the skin back to default but if i just add them so it removes the item it keeps the skin