
Utility for managing vending machines

Total Downloads: 1,959 - First Release: Feb 17, 2017 - Last Update: Apr 5, 2018

5/5, 9 likes
  1. If the buyer or the seller is the owner of the vending machine it's normal !
  2. Ok, thanks. Was thinking bloods bag would be transfered in tha machine...

    I've got this error too :
    Console: warning CS1701: Assuming assembly reference `Newtonsoft.Json, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=30ad4fe6b2a6aeed' matches assembly `Newtonsoft.Json, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=30ad4fe6b2a6aeed'. You may need to supply runtime policy
    VendingManager.cs(85,8): warning CS0114: `Oxide.Plugins.VendingManager.LoadDefaultMessages()' hides inherited member `Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.LoadDefaultMessages()'. To make the current member override that implementation, add the override keyword. Otherwise add the new keyword
    D:\servers\service3459\home\games\rust\Oxide.Core.dll (Location of the symbol related to previous warning)
    VendingManager.cs(203,8): warning CS0114: `Oxide.Plugins.VendingManager.LoadDefaultConfig()' hides inherited member `Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.LoadDefaultConfig()'. To make the current member override that implementation, add the override keyword. Otherwise add the new keyword
    D:\servers\service3459\home\games\rust\Oxide.Core.dll (Location of the symbol related to previous warning)
  3. You can ignore those - I'll get around to addressing those with an update, but they're just warnings and will not affect the behavior of the plugin.
  4. Ok, thanks.
    Last thing... I've got LogTransactions true, but files are created at the old directory of oxide...
    How can I change this ?
  5. I noticed this too, but I'm not sure how to resolve it. I haven't spent much time looking at the issue though, so I'll have to do some digging.
  6. Anyway to add ServerRewards? and use glue or bleach the same way as bloodbags? My server has a community market and I would love this option for it, thank you.
  7. All of my templates are wiped upon server reset , how can I avoid this ? I did have to manually upload my config because clanforge didn't add it automatically, could this be the reason?

    A work around could be , if someone could provide me with the format for saving templates in the config itself , instead of setting it up in game , that should save properly I imagine . Thanks in advance
  8. I will look into ServerRewards integration. But what do you mean regarding glue/bleach?
    The templates shouldn't be wiped unless you completely delete your config or oxide directory when you update the server. I'd recommend just keeping a backup of the json once you've set up your templates, and if it gets wiped out just reupload it to the server.
  9. hello i tried to use this plug today, strange glitch in game, it shows the hp of the vending machine to have 500 of 1000 . it displays this when you hit the machine. any way to fix it. thank you.
  10. hello its for Admins no Coast?
  11. So i want to make the vending machine so people can sell their items to it using the currency as the item to sell and the item they are selling as the item to buy. This is not working. Any idea how to fix this or impliment it by chance?
  12. Good evening
    The plugin does not recognize under economy in blood on my server
    I have enabled economy on my config file
  13. What you are explaining sounds like the way vending machines work by default... can you elaborate a bit more?
    Can you clarify or provide more details?
  14. Last edited by a moderator: Jul 12, 2017
  15. I want to make it so the people on my server can sell items to the vending machine to make currency. I did find a way to do it but i was wondering if there was a way to change it from blood as currency to coal or something else?
  16. Right now it's hard-coded to use blood, but you can go into the .cs and change all references to "93832698" to "1436001773" (item list is here: Oxide API for Rust). It's on my to-do list to move that item reference to a configuration entry (and make it accept multiple items/values).
  17. VM Bottomless feature is not working after today's update. Anything I can do?
  18. Even worries. The transactions are done but do not cost the buyer anything.
  19. ignignokt84 updated VendingManager with a new update entry:


  20. Hi, you can adjust it somehow that is not blood there stands $