Better PVE/PVP implementation

Total Downloads: 4,630 - First Release: Mar 25, 2016 - Last Update: Mar 7, 2018

5/5, 26 likes
  1. any update ? its still broken for me
  2. I just updated my server Last night with the patch and it broke truepve and zones manager for a minute, All I did was delete the old config, and cs file. then put it back in and it started working. That is with the latest cs file update.

    Not sure what you've tried. But these are mine and the exact settings I have. seem to work for me.

    Attached Files:

  3. Thanks for this nice plugin, but with this change you have broken another plugin, because both use the hook CanLootPlayer.

    (19:36:49) | [Oxide] 19:36 [Warning] Calling hook CanLootPlayer resulted in a conflict between the following plugins: SleeperGuard - False (Boolean), TruePVE (False (Boolean))

    My config:
      "authdamage": false,
      "barricade": true,
      "corpse": false,
      "fire": false,
      "heli": false,
      "helilocked": false,
      "hookdamage": true,
      "hookloot": true,
      "killsleepers": false,
      "napalm": false,
      "sleeper": false,
      "sleepingbag": false,
      "suicide": true,
      "turret": false,
      "unlocked": false
  4. Get rid of Sleeperguard, You don't need it unless TruePVE Loot Protection isn't working.

    "hookloot": true <<< ----- to use TruePVE's Loot protection
    "hookloot": false <<< ----- to use other plugins Loot Protection
  5. allright ill try thanks

    edit: Seems to be working , thanks for the help! :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 18, 2016
  6. Could it be that this plugin overwrites the nogather option from zonemanager?
  7. Nope - TruePVE does not affect resource gathering.
  8. You're welcome.
  9. You are right, unloaded it and the error didn't disappear.
    But thank you for your answer.
  10. NVM sorry
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 21, 2016
  11. Quick question -- This last update killed my small PVP zone. I went back and done all the steps over and set kookloot and hookdamage to false. It does no damage still. I tried restarting server still not able to do damage. Is there a fix or did I do something wrong?
    "hookloot": true, "hookdamage": true,
    "hookloot": false, "hookdamage": false,
  12. Try these, seems to work on my server just fine. They are already configured. Just remember not to update the Zonesmanager CS to any other version than this, it will most likely make it stop working, unless its specifically modified to work with TruePVE

    Attached Files:

  13. Hi all,

    I'm new at writing plugins so there is a better way to do this but, for those of us running truepve and wanting to use NPC's that can attack and be attacked I found a solution. This should use hooks but I don't clearly understand the hook logic yet.

    In TruePVE.cs find this method:

    private bool AllowDamage(BaseCombatEntity entity, HitInfo hitinfo)

    Then find the prevent pvp damage section and replace the if(hitinfo.Initiator is BasePlayer) block with this code:

    // prevent pvp damage
                    if(hitinfo.Initiator is BasePlayer)
                        // START Tolakram - allow NPC <-> player damage                    BasePlayer fromPlayer = entity as BasePlayer;
                        BasePlayer toPlayer = hitinfo.Initiator as BasePlayer;                    if (fromPlayer.userID < 76560000000000000L && fromPlayer.userID > 0L)
                            //Puts("Damage To: " + (entity as BasePlayer).UserIDString);
                            //Puts("Damage From: " + (hitinfo.Initiator as BasePlayer).UserIDString);
                            return true;
                        }                    if (toPlayer.userID < 76560000000000000L && toPlayer.userID > 0L)
                            //Puts("Damage To: " + (entity as BasePlayer).UserIDString);
                            //Puts("Damage From: " + (hitinfo.Initiator as BasePlayer).UserIDString);
                            return true;
                        }                    // END Tolakram - allow NPC <-> player damage                    // allow admins to kill sleepers if option is toggled on
                        if (((BasePlayer)entity).IsSleeping() && isAdmin((BasePlayer)hitinfo.Initiator))
                            return getBool(Option.killsleepers);
                        return false;
  14. I did the same thing but it is still not possible to damage players. Instead, the one shooting is the one that gets damaged.
    Attached is my TruePVE config.

    Attached Files:

  15. atrtach your files, .cs and .json The actual ones, not the images.
  16. getting this error after reloading the plugin

    [Oxide] 02:04 [Error] Unable to load ZoneManager. ZoneManager.cs(753,38): error CS1061: Type `Deployer' does not contain a definition for `ownerPlayer' and no extension method `ownerPlayer' of type `Deployer' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?
  17. Sounds like you have your server set to PVE. TruePVE is meant to be used with server set to PVP.
  18. That seems to be the case why i was getting "Reflection damage".
    I set server.pve false
    reupload truepve
    I made a flag using zone manager.
    Made hookdamage and loot to false but still not getting damage on the zone.
    Same truepve config.
  19. These are the versions I am running on my server. This combination works and they load just fine.

    TruePVE (0.3.3): In the settings, make sure the Hooks are set as follows HookLoot: False, and HookDamage: False (which you do already)
    ZoneManager (2.4.2): This version is the modified version to work with TruePVE - In settings make sure TruePVE Integration is set to "True", Make the zone, set the PVPArena Flag then reload both mods. And just to make sure, you can restart your server just to be sure.
    In f1 console type server.pve false to turn on server pve. (just to make sure)

    If you look up on this page a few message, youll see the files I posted.
    any other versiosn will not work together and/or load properly.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 20, 2016
  20. Working now. Just needed to reload plugin