

Total Downloads: 11,166 - First Release: Sep 24, 2015 - Last Update: Feb 16, 2017

5/5, 25 likes
  1. pdr


    Dafuq? Which plugin do u use? Voteday is command for SkipNightVote which config u uploaded here lul?
    Upd. Please drop file not a text, its kinda dumb.
  2. correct ? im new on this side, im sorry, Its like when i type /voteday Then its starting at the night and after some minutes its getting lighter, Its not Daylight directly, If you know what i trying to say.

    Attached Files:

  3. pdr


    As i wrote above - the plugin with this command is Skipnightvote not time of day or other. Give me da SkipNightVote.json so i could help u...
  4. There you go

    Attached Files:

  5. pdr


    Ok, everything u need is in second section. If u want to set lighter time try 09:00:00 in "time to set" option.
  6. I will try, Im starting to get players on my server, And when i restart the server then my map automatic Saves and then all the loot from Dome and everything of Loot boxes and military Loot will be removed from my server. Thats also a big problem if i restart ^^ But thanks ! I will put this on Resolved so ppl dont need to still trying to help me out !
    [DOUBLEPOST=1519134793][/DOUBLEPOST]hmm :) What about more lengh of day and not night ?
  7. ??? pardon?
  8. Never mind im fixed this lenght time
  9. freezing the time causes helis and chinooks not to ever spawn (logically). Is there any plugin available to make them automatically spawn again without having to manually calling them? thx!

    EDIT ok solved, HeliControl ;)
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 4, 2018
  10. Is is possible to add messages like "Good morning" at 06:00-08:00 and "Soon new day!" at 19.00-21.00 like some minutes before and after skip night?
  11. use Timed Execute

    and set ingame timer