Running Man

Plugin Runnung Man

Total Downloads: 3,845 - First Release: Jan 16, 2015 - Last Update: Mar 4, 2018

4.9/5, 20 likes
  1. do i have to install any other plugins like economics to give reward to player
  2. ok players are reporting that the event is giving the running man a reward at the end time even after the running man was killed so basically both the killer and running man get the rewards everytime
  3. yes
  4. no errors show up in our logs, it just doesn't stop the timer it seems when the running man is killed, so when it ends it still says hes alive and he gets the reward after the killer did
    [DOUBLEPOST=1425314690][/DOUBLEPOST]does it matter if the event is triggered automatically or manually? I believe our moderators sometimes activate it manually so if they do and then it does another on auto timer how would it effect each other?
  5. Code:
            if (eventpause ~= nil) then
                eventpause = nil
                runningman = nil
                Runlog("timer eventpause stoped")
            if (eventstart ~= nil) then
                eventstart = nil
                runningman = nil
                Runlog("timer eventstart stoped")
    in theory, should not be affected. I need more information, I'm on my server didn't notice.
  6. if i will not install economics , plugins can crush or not ?
  7. if economics not found - give reward "Reward6"
  8. ok then i will delete "RewardMoney": 50000, line and it is ok ?

     "Reward": { rewards
        "Reward3Amount": 15000,
        "RewardFixingAmount": 10000, //fixed reward amount
        "Reward1": "wood",
        "Reward2Amount": 50000,
        "Reward1Amount": 50000,
        "RewardFixing": "wood", // fixed reward
        "Reward4Amount": 15000,
        "Random": "true", // Enable / disable random awards
        "Reward3": "metal_ore",
        "Reward6": "wood",
        "Reward2": "stones",
        "Reward6Amount": 50000,
        "Reward5": "smg_thompson",
        "Reward5Amount": 1,
        "Reward5_2Amount": 150,
        "Reward5_2": "ammo_pistol",
        "Reward4": "sulfur_ore"
  9. ok , first if you manually set the event it allows you to use the /run to check the event however if a timed even comes in it will override the first one and you can no longer check the first even with /run. It also doesn't give the reward for the first even even it the running man is killed but still shows the messages and then shows the end message that he survives. Then the 2nd event ends up glitching and both players get the rewards.
  10. nothing should be removed. If the plugin there is no economy - will be given Reward6
    o_O I have no such
  11. Running into issue where we updated config file and reloaded plugin and now it appears two instances of running man are occurring. One which we can start and stop and one that runs in the background and gives out rewards.
  12. I'll look
  13. because the error had to disable the plugin, it is quite good.

    из-за ошибки пришлось отключить плагин, он вполне неплох.
  14. not sure whats going on but ever since i updated to newest version of rust/oxide the plugin is super spastic. it will run back to back. even start a 2nd running man during the current one. if you do /run it will say starts in 0 mins or sometimes show one of the running men. also all extra running men get a reward and it never takes the 30 mins. just cuts off at random times. people love this plugin on my server i hope u still support it
  15. Now developing another plugin, but I'll try soon to see what's wrong with this.
  16. the plugin no no longer works at all. Please dont abandon this plugin my server LOVES is!
  17. i m getting this error

    [5/4/2015 10:25:47 AM] [Oxide] 10:25 AM [Error] Failed to call hook 'cmdRun' on plugin 'Running'
    File: event.lua Line: 250 attempt to index upvalue 'eventpause' (a nil value):
      at NLua.Lua.ThrowExceptionFromError (Int32 oldTop) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at NLua.Lua.CallFunction (System.Object function, System.Object[] args, System.Type[] returnTypes) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.MonoMethod:InternalInvoke (object,object[],System.Exception&)
      at System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  18. since this seems to be abandoned does anyone else wana take a shot at fixing it?