Prod (Who Owns)

Get owners of deployable, building structures and whitelist of tool cupboards

Total Downloads: 6,161 - First Release: Apr 3, 2015 - Last Update: Apr 13, 2017

5/5, 26 likes
  1. is there a command to give moderators the right to use this command?
    something like canprod or prod?

    if not it will be nice for future updates ^^
  2. you can already do that, look at the configs
  3. Sry but i cant find the function to get my moderators this right...
    I've tried oxide.grant group moderator prod and oxide.grant group moderator canprod
    but nothing of them worked...

    Can you pls help me?
  4. Oh this plugin doesnt used the oxide permissions.
    It uses: moderatorid and ownerid
  5. hey , is there a way to make this prod tell you when a base was last used . and is there a way to make it so it works on all objects . on our server there are some people spamming stuff everywhere . would like to be able to see who it is so we can talk / ban them
    Last edited by a moderator: May 26, 2015
  6. 1. OldRed pretty much just asked what I was coming here to ask..... but, more specifically.... I would love to be able to see who made signs. I can't imagine the crap people are putting on signs on servers where you can upload images....omg. I'm about ready to take signs off my server because people can't even behave half the time just drawing their own images. I really want to see who is not behaving.

    2. Oh and also...Unless I'm looking at building, tool cupboard or something with a lock code, it will not tell me the owner any deployable. Is this how it's supposed to be? The description leads me to believe it will tell me the owner of any deployable.

    3. I've noticed that when I do /prod on buildings it will say unknown player but give me the UID of the player. Yet, I'll go into the same building and do /prod to a cupboard, it will give me the name of the player (same UID as the unknown player). Just thought I'd mention that.

    Last edited by a moderator: May 26, 2015
  7. you need building owners to get the deployables owners, and probably even Dead Player List to get the name of the owner if he is dead & disconnected.

    as for the tool cupboard it's normal, it saves the steamid & name of the players that have access.
  8. I have the building owners plugin.
  9. then you need dead player list to get the names of the missing players (well ... starting at the time you installed dead player list as it can't just invent players XD)
  10. Ok, it seemed to work for awhile when I first installed the plugin...but, I will install dead player list too. thanks
  11. was thinking instead of request for a new plugin . maybe it can be implemented to this one instead

    can you add last used to it . so we can see when the base / items was last used ? .

    so it gives info like the item was last used days/hours

    Also could you add to the prod so it shows who last edited a sign . we are trying to reduce the plugins we have . we are having lagg issues . thinking less plugins we have the less lagg it will be
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 19, 2015
  12. And if we saw who built a ladder we could see who might be using the no clip hack.
  13. [Warning] Ignored obsolete game extension reference 'Oxide.Ext.Rust' in plugin 'Prod'

    Prod.cs(22,24): warning CS0414: The private field `Oxide.Plugins.Prod.noBlockOwnerfound' is assigned but its value is never used
    Prod.cs(36,16): warning CS0169: The private field `Oxide.Plugins.Prod.BuildingOwners' is never used
  14. Just so people know, that his server is not the only one.

    | [Oxide] 8:56 AM [Warning] Ignored obsolete game extension reference 'Oxide.Ext.Rust' in plugin 'Prod'

    (08:56:41) | [Oxide] 8:56 AM [Info] Prod was compiled successfully in 1921ms

    (08:56:41) | [Oxide] 8:56 AM [Info] Unloaded plugin Prod v2.1.3 by Reneb

    (08:56:41) | [Oxide] 8:56 AM [Info] Loaded plugin Prod v2.1.3 by Reneb

    (08:56:41) | [Oxide] 8:56 AM [Info] [Prod] Prod: Creating a new config file
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 1, 2015
  15. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Those are warnings, it should work fine.
  16. Yeah, was just posting it so dev knows about it.
  17. Its me again^^
    How have i to write it correctly to give my moderator the permission?
    Is it possible to add oxide permission system?

    Sry for my dump question...
  18. im looking at a camp fire and it says it doesnt have a code lock it cant tell me who owns.
  19. deployables don't work with this.
  20. Is there anyway of telling the last time the building owner last logged on the server? would be handy to remove old bases to help keep the lag down a bit.
