Prod (Who Owns)

Get owners of deployable, building structures and whitelist of tool cupboards

Total Downloads: 6,150 - First Release: Apr 3, 2015 - Last Update: Apr 13, 2017

5/5, 26 likes
  1. everytime try to use prod getting same info in chat;

    [Oxide] 6:31 PM [Info] servercollision (TriggerBase): -1587224
    [Oxide] 6:31 PM [Info] build/wall
  2. Reneb updated R-Prod with a new update entry:

    removed debug

  3. Thanks for correction now it's working perfect as before

    just wondering, is there any way to limit prod item with 1 or max 2

    because when I am looking the house and use prod,
    it's giving owner of objectS which is about 6-7 items some time
    and giving owner of object over and over(seperately for each of it) and it cause slow packet warning in console;

    Slow Packet: -> 0.34 seconds
    Slow Packet: -> 0.36 seconds
    Slow Packet: -> 0.25 seconds
    Slow Packet: -> 0.27 seconds
  4. that's just a rust debug.
  5. thanks a lot
  6. I have that problem too. After using the command /prod in the chat - message appears many times. (as in the building walls and structures or entity.) You can remove it and post only one message for one entity?
  7. yeah the raycast doesnt stop, so if you have 7 walls behind each other it will tell you about the 7 walls :p

  8. in this case, one solution: we must look at the foundation :D
  9. I could easy edit it to only Check 1
    But currently i'd rather remake my plugins in c# then code back the stuff in lua ;)
    So you Will see the update at some point ^^
  10. [Oxide] 4:50 PM [Info] [Logger] shadows <19 LvL> ran chat command: /prod
    [Oxide] 4:50 PM [Info] nil
    [Oxide] 4:50 PM [Info] build/wall
  11. Reneb updated R-Prod with a new update entry:

    C# extremely fast, fixed unknown players

    [DOUBLEPOST=1423664998][/DOUBLEPOST]totally forgot the deployables XD i'll add them later on.
  12. Reneb updated R-Prod with a new update entry:

    boxes & deployables

  13. This is for experimental and doesn't work for legacy right?
  14. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

  15. after last update getting below error;
    server\streamline\oxide\plugins\Prod.cs(88,14): warning CS0114: 'Oxide.Plugins.Prod.LoadDefaultConfig()' hides inherited member 'Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.LoadDefaultConfig()'. To make the current member override that implementation, add the override keyword. Otherwise add the new keyword.
    RustDedicated_Data\Managed\Oxide.Core.dll: (Location of symbol related to previous warning)
    server\streamline\oxide\plugins\Prod.cs(159,109): error CS1061: 'SleepingBag' does not contain a definition for 'deployerUserName' and no extension method 'deployerUserName' accepting a first argument of type 'SleepingBag' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  16. Error after new rust update:
    Server start with this error
    [2/27/2015 12:34:55 AM] [Oxide] 12:34 AM [Info] ���������� Microsoft (R) Visual C# 2008 ���ᨨ 3.5.30729.5420
    ��� Microsoft (R) .NET Framework ���ᨨ 3.5
    (C) ��௮����� ���������� (Microsoft Corp.). ��� �ࠢ� ����饭�.server\spark-games\oxide\plugins\Prod.cs(88,14): warning CS0114: 'Oxide.Plugins.Prod.LoadDefaultConfig()' ���뢠�� ��᫥�㥬�� 童� 'Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.LoadDefaultConfig()'. �⮡� ⥪�騩 童� ��८�।���� ��� ॠ�������, �������� ���祢�� ᫮�� override. � ���⨢��� ���砥 �������� ���祢�� ᫮�� new.
    RustDedicated_Data\Managed\Oxide.Core.dll: (���⮯�������� ᨬ���� �⭮��⥫쭮 �।���饣� �।��०�����)
    server\spark-games\oxide\plugins\Prod.cs(159,109): error CS1061: "SleepingBag" �� ᮤ�ন� ��।������ ��� "deployerUserName". �� 㤠���� ����� ��⮤  �����७�� "deployerUserName", �ਭ����騩 ������ ���㬥�� ⨯� "SleepingBag"  (�ய�饭� �ᯮ�짮����� ��४⨢� ��� ��뫪� �� ᡮ���?)
  17. confirm
    server\my_server_identity\oxide\plugins\Prod.cs(88,14): warning CS0114: "Oxide.Plugins.Prod.LoadDefaultConfig()" blendet den vererbten Member "Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.LoadDefaultConfig()" aus. Damit der aktuelle Member diese Implementierung �berschreibt, f�gen Sie das override-Schl�sselwort hinzu. Ansonsten f�gen Sie das new-Schl�sselwort hinzu.
    RustDedicated_Data\Managed\Oxide.Core.dll: (Position des Symbols f�r die vorherige Warnung)
    server\my_server_identity\oxide\plugins\Prod.cs(159,109): error CS1061: "SleepingBag" enth�lt keine Definition f�r "deployerUserName", und es konnte keine Erweiterungsmethode "deployerUserName" gefunden werden, die ein erstes Argument vom Typ "SleepingBag" akzeptiert (Fehlt eine Using-Direktive oder ein Assemblyverweis?).