

Total Downloads: 12,040 - First Release: Oct 23, 2015 - Last Update: Apr 12, 2018

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  1. Calytic

    Calytic Community Admin Community Mod

    Calytic updated NoEscape with a new update entry:


  2. Why the message does not disappear?

    Attached Files:

  3. Great work ! Thanks

  4. You can put the gui somewhere else
  5. Combatblock seems to be working fine but my raidblocker isnt working when i shoot rockets or throw c4. any clue? I want combatblock to have 60s timer and raidblock to be 120 seconds.

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  6. Calytic

    Calytic Community Admin Community Mod

    Try enabling `blockAll` which is the widest possible blocking behavior for raid blocking
  7. you need to use Permissions again
    like: grant group default
    its work with me after update and use Permissions again
  8. players are able to teleport home (/home) even when they're Combat Blocked. Is there a way to disable that? If it's related to Nteleportation then i shall post comment on Nteleportation also.
  9. Calytic

    Calytic Community Admin Community Mod

    Have you added the tpblock permission to the "default" player group?
  10. I haven't set any permissions yet and left it as default. how do u do that exactly?
    Nvm i figured it out, thank you very much! Can't believe the fix was that easy.
    It's just that the info was so small and almost hidden on the overview page lol.
  11. The new UI dont disapear after the time ends
  12. already told about it, need to fix that
  13. Calytic

    Calytic Community Admin Community Mod

    Calytic updated NoEscape with a new update entry:


  14. İs there something which disables that thing for owners ??? Or can i clean my permissions like i gave all permissions to me

    but i cant write revoke user minato i can write maybe 1-2-3 but there is too much
  15. Suggestion* Making a config to move the UI around the screen. I tried in the .cs file but i just lack the experience and every time i changed the anch min and max it'd just stretch the image i was trying to move.
  16. @Calytic @k1lly0u have perfomance issues with noescape+zonemanager when batching.colliders enabled on server with 200k+ entities
    when blowing some big houses (2-3seconds of total hang on i7700k cpu)

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  17. edit: all ok i have find problem

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    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 2, 2017
  18. Set permissions, everything works fine. But it is still allowed to repair buildings while raid block... Although I have a message about the raid block
  19. Need a new perm if it's possible to disallow players to drop their items from their inventory, box...

    Can you add this later ?

  20. Does this also block people from using /town that is in the N-Teleportation Mod. Been thinking about adding this to the server but I have town and would need to block people from tping there also.