Kill Feed

Displays a basic Kill Feed on screen!

Total Downloads: 17,863 - First Release: Nov 9, 2015 - Last Update: Oct 27, 2017

5/5, 36 likes
  1. You either want to configure 2.3 destroyAfter or 2.7.2 out. Take a look at the overview section to get more information on what both do, respectively.
  2. thank you that helped so much
  3. Tuntenfisch updated Kill Feed with a new update entry:


  4. Looks great man, using this on my server :)
  5. Is there a way to quickly test configuration? Currently I'm restarting the server for each attempt.

    EDIT: I Answered my question.

    Removing the plugin and then replacing it will reload the plugin. The configuration file can be left.

    QUESTION: I currently have the killfeed display at the top center of the screen in reduced font and horizontal width apart. It looks and functions well except that sometimes it will display the kill and fade; then it will reappear a second time once the TAB inventory opens and exits.

    Other than that, great plugin. Really enjoy it.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 13, 2015
  6. Nice plugin! It would be nice if this output a kill log file.
  7. Tuntenfisch updated Kill Feed with a new update entry:


  8. Your plugin is sexy as fuck one minor critique though the missing rcon icon for suicide here.

    {"suicide", "b/be/Missing_icon.png"},
    Do you know the path to the "Skull" icon? Also is there a way you can change the size of the icons? Everything is perfect except for the icon sizes.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 17, 2015
  9. You can simply replace the second string with any URL you like, here's the partial URL to the Human Skull icon: "2/24/Human_Skull_icon.png"
    I went with the "Missing_icon.png" for the default config because Rust does not have an icon for suicide.
  10. Tuntenfisch updated Kill Feed with a new update entry:


    I made the icon height and hence the size adjustable through the config file in the latest update (v. 1.10.1).
    Regarding your question, that's not really something that I intended to do nor something I didn't intend to do if you get what I'm trying to say. Personally, I don't see it as a problem. It can even be beneficial in some cases.

  11. That's awesome, thanks! :D
  12. get this error when loading
    [12/18/2015 7:59:47 AM] [Oxide] 7:59 AM [Error] Error while compiling KillFeed.cs(122,36): error CS0117: `BUTTON' does not contain a definition for `INVENTORY'
  13. Which version are you using? That's definitely an error that got fixed already.
  14. is there any way to shift the feed location on the screen? its over the crafting menu and some crafting buttons im unable to click. so i was gonna make it a bit smaller and shift it downwards.
  15. The Overview section of this plugin gives a comprehensive view over all possible customization options inside the configuration file. Yes it's possible!
  16. Sorry! didn't read it thoroughly enough, thanks so much!
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 26, 2015
  17. Tuntenfisch updated Kill Feed with a new update entry:


  18. Is it just me or is the font not changing? The plugin has been reloaded and I've tried each font option.
    EDIT: Just wanted to add that this is the updated config file as well.

    Snipit from config file:

    "1. General": {
    "1.1 font": "robotocondensed-bold.ttf",
    "1.2 fontSize": 25,
    "1.3 numberOfCharacters": 12,
    "1.4 removeSpecialCharacters": true,
    "1.5 removeTags": true,
    "1.6 enableAnimals": true,
    "1.7 displayPlayerDeaths": true,
    "1.8 logEntries": true,
    "1.9 debugging": 0
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 30, 2015
  19. Tuntenfisch updated Kill Feed with a new update entry:


  20. I'll pay anywhere between $3.47 up to $5.00 (ok let's just say 5 bucks lol) for the 1st working config someone uploads that places the feed at the top middle and fades out at a respectable time. I can deal with 95% of the configs I attempt but this one is making my brain hurt and it's kinda hard to keep testing settings repeatedly with 100+ people on the server spazzing out the second anything looks different for a second lol