Kill Feed

Displays a basic Kill Feed on screen!

Total Downloads: 17,863 - First Release: Nov 9, 2015 - Last Update: Oct 27, 2017

5/5, 36 likes
  1. Tuntenfisch updated Kill Feed with a new update entry:


  2. attachment not found
  3. I hope that's the only issue, I'm currently unable to update my server...
  4. Tuntenfisch updated Kill Feed with a new update entry:


    Let me know if everything is running fine if you can.
  5. Hmm still getting this:

    KillFeed.cs(108,45): error CS0117: `BUTTON' does not contain a definition for `INVENTORY'
  6. I'll look into it.
  7. Tuntenfisch updated Kill Feed with a new update entry:


  8. All fixed, thank you very much.
  9. Positioning broke, everything is bad.
  10. You can update the positioning yourself.
  11. Tuntenfisch updated Kill Feed with a new update entry:


  12. Tuntenfisch updated Kill Feed with a new update entry:


  13. For some reason, the position has not changed.
  14. i cant seem to get the killfeed to fade out...i've tried setting the fade out to 1, to 1,1, to 1,2...i've also tried leaving that along and setting the destroyafter to 1, 1,1, 1,2..but nothing seems to make the kill feed go away. Can anybody give me the exact settings to make the feed disappear a few secs after it appears? Thanks.
  15. If you make changes to the config, make sure it's saved first, then make sure to reload the Kill Feed plugin. If you don't reload the plugin, the changes won't be applied. I just tried it and confirmed that everything works fine if you do that.

    @U_Go_6FT_BeLOW make sure you use dots instead of commas to denote decimals, i.e. 1.1 instead of 1,1!
  16. Does anyone know the exact screen position for the top middle of the screen? Having at the top right makes it so that people cannot craft.
  17. Set 2.5.1 x to 0.5.

    Besides that, if you set 2.4.1 enable to true the Kill Feed should disappear if you press the inventory button specified under 2.4.2 button.

    Edit: you can read more about that in the overview section.
  18. Is there anyway i can edit the spacing in between each things?

    I have 20 font size setup and the spacing is wayyy too far and i want to move it a little closer together as you can see in the image below.

    Thanks in advanced.


    Attached Files:

    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 5, 2015
  19. You can edit 2.6.1 horizontal or 2.6.2 vertical.
  20. how do i change the time it fades away?