1. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Restarting is generally not needed as Oxide hotloads them. If your plugins do not seem to be working, check your Oxide logs to make sure Oxide is actually loading and the plugins are as well.
  2. Okay so my mods are working but when I try to config the announcement mod, it saves, i double check that it saves, and then when I restart the server it resets. Is there a way to fix this? I was able to config the other file though so I don't understand.
  3. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    If a config for a plugin resets, it's generally because you didn't format the file properly. I'd recommend checking using www.jsonlint.com.
  4. Also, the announcements keep spamming in my chat so players can read what each other saying. I have changed the interval but everytime I do it goes back to 30.
  5. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Did you restart after saving the configs and verify the configs were still set? If the whole config resets, I'd recommend the same step I mentioned previously.
  6. Yes I keep verifying the configs were still set. But once I restart and log in I see that they have reset. Ill try that now.
  7. Hey I have a server hosted on GameServers and it seems like loading the files through FTP worked (no errors and the files show up), I dont know if it replaced any existing files as it didnt ask me anything or if it needs to.... Anyways after stopping the server, loading the files, restarting and then stopping again, I do not see any updated files or created docs for my plugins through the ftp. Maybe I misread this forum post convo, but do I need to get the Gameservers people to run some or all of the files once they are on in some way or another? Like do they have to set something up on there end? If I could see my server running that would be great but it feels like gameservers admin options are kind of limited as well as no rcon. Anyways I am in my server now and no signs of any oxide seem to be online so I assume the files are just sitting there doing nothing. Any help on getting these to run would be awesome! (I also dropped the contents of the Oxide folder where the ROK.exe file is in the directory so i do not think that is an issue).

  8. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    If all the files uploaded successfully without error, and you see CSharpCompiler.exe in the right place, it should be all good. I'd check the server's logs and Oxide logs for errors though. If it continues having issues, I'd recommend contacting your host for assistance with setup.
  9. This happened to me last night. You have to reload the plugin so that it loads and saves the current config. Reload the plugin by opening up the plugin json file and scroll all the way down. Place a space at the end of the file and click save.
  10. Well, If your hosting WITH gameservers (most hosts are like this) you need to contact them to install the latest oxide version, they have a spot on your Member Area where it says Mods but I don't know if it's set up yet for reign of kings to download oxide yet. But easy way is to contact them and they will contact back saying they have installed it. Then You can start installing mods on your server. Through your FTP,
  11. My server providor is Gameservers and loaded all mine to both my servers hassle free with going to support . Just thought i would mention it as i know it can be frustrating sometimes waiting for their customer support sometimes .
  12. Hi Oxide.

    I have a 40 slot gameserver now. I have acces to all the files on the server but how the hell do i install this on my server? I can't find a readme ore install .txt
    I hope anyone can help me out

    steamname : bamtikboem5
  13. Thans for the fast response. I checked that post already. But isn't that for hosting on your own PC?
  14. You need to go to your Gameservers Member Area. then on your server tab look for "Mods" click it then you should see Oxide. If they have not added it put in a ticket. make sure to send the lastest version with.
  15. Thanx Outcast for your message.

    My host doesn't have the tab 'mods' Only / update / files / stats / and ofcourse start & restart / stop
  16. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Last edited: May 21, 2015
  17. What host are you with?
  18. Fastpoinggaming. Its says all the time acces denied when i want to upload files
  19. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    You may not have access then, but make sure your server is stopped fully before trying to upload it.