1. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    The folders will be empty if you haven't installed any plugins. The only things you'll likely see is a single log file under saves/oxide/logs.
  2. the files have now shown up yay :D but my new problem is iv implimeted it and when i join the server my client crashes to desktop
  3. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Check your client logs then. Oxide would not cause your client to crash, but the server could be doing something. Also make note of the red text here: http://oxidemod.org/downloads/oxide-for-reign-of-kings.950/.
  4. okay. it somehow shows the log folder now.

    this is what happens when i restart the server and try to enter it:
    12:14 AM [Info] Loading Oxide core v2.0.855...
    12:14 AM [Info] Loading extensions...
    12:14 AM [Info] Loaded extension CSharp v1.0.855 by Oxide Team
    12:14 AM [Info] Loaded extension JavaScript v1.0.855 by Oxide Team
    12:14 AM [Info] Loaded extension Lua v1.0.855 by Oxide Team
    12:14 AM [Info] Loaded extension MySql v1.0.855 by Oxide Team
    12:14 AM [Info] Loaded extension Python v1.0.855 by Oxide Team
    12:14 AM [Info] Loaded extension ReignOfKings v1.0.855 by Oxide Team
    12:14 AM [Info] Loaded extension SQLite v1.0.855 by Oxide Team
    12:14 AM [Info] Loaded extension Unity v1.0.855 by Oxide Team
    12:14 AM [Info] Loading plugins...
    12:14 AM [Info] Loaded plugin Reign of Kings Core v1.0.0 by Oxide Team
    12:14 AM [Info] Loaded plugin Unity Core v1.0.0 by Oxide Team
    12:14 AM [Info] Announcer was compiled successfully in 417ms
    12:14 AM [Info] Loaded plugin Server Information Announcer v1.0.2 by Mughisi
    12:14 AM [Info] Server Information Announcer : Server has joined the server!
    12:14 AM [Info] Server Information Announcer : Wardsboy has joined the server!
    12:14 AM [Info] Server Information Announcer : Wardsboy has left the server
    12:15 AM [Info] Unloaded plugin Server Information Announcer v1.0.2 by Mughisi
    Server was working fine before i added the oxide files
  5. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Did you read the red text on the Downloads page? Do you have those settings set? Check your RoK logs under the /logs folder in the root.
  6. Yes those setting are as they should be.
    im looking in the logs right now but im not sure what im looking for
  7. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Upload the latest RoK logs here. They should be in a similar format to Log[150505-0607].txt.
  8. any thoughts good sir?
  9. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    His log is not your log. ;) There's nothing in there though to indicate why he was disconnected other than he was.

    Mughisi and I are both running it without issues. Are you guys able to reconnect?
  10. Okay im a offically a tool.

    The issuse was that my test server is hosted in my reign of kings game folder. so now u know for the future if anyone has the same issue. thanks for the help
    [DOUBLEPOST=1430870423][/DOUBLEPOST]I messed around with it for a while now and im getting this error
    [SERVER] Started as service
    [SERVER] Running as service
    [SERVER] Got Message: Ready
    [SERVER] Got Message: Compile
    [SERVER] Console: Announcer.cs(20,14): warning CS0414: The private field `Oxide.Plugins.Announcer.configCreated' is assigned but its value is never used
    [SERVER] Got Message: Ready
    [SERVER] Got Message: Ready
    [SERVER] Got Message: Compile
    [SERVER] Console: Announcer.cs(20,14): warning CS0414: The private field `Oxide.Plugins.Announcer.configCreated' is assigned but its value is never used
    [SERVER] Got Message: Compile
    [SERVER] Console: Announcer.cs(20,14): warning CS0414: The private field `Oxide.Plugins.Announcer.configCreated' is assigned but its value is never used
    [SERVER] Shutdown
    Any ideas?
  11. I don't think thats an error. It's just a warning and infact I'm getting it myself.

    The safest way to install and run the server is to:
    1. First verify all files for Reign of kings with steam (google if you don't know)
    2. Find your steam folder and browse to this folder : Steam\steamapps\common\Reign Of Kings
    3. Copy all the files and paste them in a different location on the computer (eg C:/Reign of kings server)
    4. Download Reign of Kings Oxide files (http://oxidemod.org/downloads/oxide-for-reign-of-kings.950/)
    5. Extract all these files to where you copied all the files (eg C:/Reign of kings server)
    6. Make a shortcut of the file ROK.exe. Then right click the shortcut -> properties -> and paste this : "-batchmode -nographics -silentcrash -nolog" without the quotations at the end of the targets box. (Should look like this http://static1.squarespace.com/stat...0fe4b0907feb994a4a/1426949136114/?format=500w )
    7. Run the shortcut. This will start your server.

    Connect to the server by running reign of kings through steam and connecting to localhost as the IP and the default port.

    The compile logs found in the root directory are compile logs for plugins which are created. You shouldn't have to worry about this unless you are coding. There are other logs which are the server logs found in the "Saves/oxide/logs" folder which detail whats happening on the server. Eg starting up, players connect, players dying and other things future plugins may add).
  12. I already tried it a few times and i can never connect to server. In Taskmanager rok.exe is open and i also connect to localhost but yea.. don't know why.
  13. when rok updates will oxide have to update to just like rust?
  14. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Oxide core would unlikely need an update, but the Assembly-CSharp.dll from the game would have to be patched for every update. For most users, they'd wait until an official release as sometimes the position of things change in the .dll.
  15. My best guess would be your firewall is blocking the port (7350). Try disabling your firewall and/or adding ROK.exe to your firewall exceptions.

    There may also be something running on that port already. So you could try to choose a different port to run the server on (maybe 7351).
  16. got it thanks wulf so i sho
    so is this version of oxide still compatible with rok update?
  17. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

  18. sweet thank you and all i do is download this and place it into my rok folder right ? then restart server and plugin area should pop up?
  19. No Gm0ney. Use my instructions.

  20. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Use the instructions that Mutant Turtle provided. If the download from the release page does not work, substitute it with the one I linked. There should not be a need to use snapshots generally though, just make sure your server is fully updated via Steam CMD.